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htl generateott

Generate an HTL client one-time token. This token is used to initiate the HTL strong-binding connection.

The command allows the user to regenerate the one-time token only if there is not already an one-time token for that client (that is, if the output of the htl show says "No file" for that user's one-time token status). This avoids the case where an existing HTL connection cannot resume operation during the grace period because the client's one-time token was overwritten with a new one.


htl generateott -client <clientname>

Parameter Shortcut Description
-client -c

Specifies the client for which you want to generate the HTL one-time token. This is the client name provided when you registered the client using the client register command.


lunacm:> htl generateOtt -client myclient 
Command Result : 0 (Success)