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vtl fingerprint
vtl fingerprint [-f <filespec-of-serverCert.pem>] [-h]
Displays the fingerprint of the specified certificate. If the command is issued with no additional parameters, it returns the client fingerprint. If the -f option is used, then a filespec is required, and the command returns the fingerprint of the indicated certificate.
-f [optional] Requires the filespec to the certificate file (usually a servercert). The server cert files are located in the server/cert (or server\cert) directory, and are of the form “nameCert.pem”, where “name” is the name that you gave when you ran the vtl addServer command.
-h [optional] The “help” text.
vtl fingerprint
Certificate fingerprint: 91:01:EC:BA:6A:31:19:69:CF:8D:1A:23:87:95:76:35.