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Libraries and Applications

This section explains how to make the Chrystoki library available to the other components of the Luna Software Development Kit.

An application has no knowledge of which library is to be loaded nor does the application know the library's location.  For these reasons, a special scheme must be employed to tell the application, while it is running, where to find the library.  The next paragraphs describe how applications connect to Chrystoki.

Luna SDK Applications General Information

All applications provided in Luna SA Software Development Kit have been compiled with a component called CkBridge, which uses a configuration file to find the library it is intended to load. Ckbridge first uses the environment variable "ChrystokiConfigurationPath" to locate the corresponding configuration file. If this environment variable is not set, it attempts to locate the configuration file in a default location depending on the product platform (/etc on Unix, and c:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient on Windows).

Configuration files differ from one platform to the next - refer to the appropriate sub-section for the operating system and syntax applicable to your development platform.


In Windows, an initialization file called crystoki.ini specifies which library is to be loaded. The syntax of this file is standard to Windows.

The following example shows proper configuration files for Windows:

LibNT=C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\cryptoki.dll 
[LunaSA Client] 
SSLConfigFile=C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\openssl.cnf 
ServerCAFile=C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\cert\server\CAFile.pem
ClientCertFile=C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\cert\client\ClientNameCert.pem
ClientPrivKeyFile=C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\cert\client\ClientNameKey.pem

CAUTION:  NEVER insert TAB characters into the crystoki.ini (Windows) or chrystoki.conf (UNIX) file.


In UNIX, a configuration file called "Chrystoki.conf" is used to guide CkBridge in finding the appropriate library.  

The configuration file is a regular text file with a special format. It is made up of a number of sections, each section containing one or multiple entries.  The following example shows a typical UNIX configuration file:

Chrystoki2 = {
Luna = {
CardReader = {
LunaSA Client = {
NetClient = 1;
ServerCAFile = /usr/safenet/lunaclient/cert/server/CAFile.pem;
ClientCertFile = /usr/safenet/lunaclient/cert/client/ClientNameCert.pem;
ClientPrivKeyFile = /usr/safenet/lunaclient/cert/client/ClientNameKey.pem;
SSLConfigFile = /usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin/openssl.cnf;
ReceiveTimeout = 20000;

The shared object "libcrystoki2.so" is a library supporting version 2.2.0 of the PKCS#11 standard.

CAUTION:  NEVER insert TAB characters into the chrystoki.ini (Windows) or crystoki.conf (UNIX) file.

Compiler Tools

Tools used for Luna development are platform specific tools/development environments, where applicable (e.g., Visual C++ on Windows 2008 and Windows 2012, or Workshop on Solaris, or aCC on HP-UX). Current version information is provided in the Customer Release Notes.

Note:  Contact SafeNet for information about the availability of newer versions of compilers.

The Applications


Luna Software Development Kit provides a facility which can record all interactions between an application and our PKCS#11-compliant library.  It allows a developer to debug an application by viewing what the library receives.

This tool is known as the Cryptoki Logging Facility or cklog.  In fact, cklog is a library which replaces our PKCS#11 library.  However, when it receives a call it does not service the request. Instead, it logs the call to a file and passes the request to the originally intended library.

For cklog to function properly, perform these two steps:

1.Direct the application to use the cklog library instead of the regular Chrystoki library.

2.Instruct the cklog library where to access the regular library.

The first step is achieved by modifying the configuration files to instruct CkBridge to load the Cklog library.  How to achieve this redirection is described in the next sub-section.  The second step involves different blocks in the configuration file.

Here are descriptions of entries that may be applicable:

LibNT - references to a Cryptoki library for Windows 2008 and Windows 2012.

LibUNIX - references to a Cryptoki library for UNIX (meaning Solaris, Linus and AIX).

LibHPUX - references to a Cryptoki library specific to HP-UX.

Enabled - 0 or 1. Allows turning the logging facility off or on.

File - references the file to which the requests should be logged.

Error - references a file where the logging facility can record fatal errors.

NewFormat - 0 or 1 disables/enables a more compact output format, which is the format preferred by SafeNet Customer Support.

Windows Example

The following example shows a typical initialization file under Windows where cklog is in use:

LibNT=c:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\cklog201.dll
LibNT=c:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\cryptoki.dll
File=c:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\cklog2.txt
Error=c:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\error2.txt

UNIX Example

The following example shows a typical configuration file under UNIX where cklog is in use:

Chrystoki2 = {
CkLog2 = {

Selective Logging

When logging is turned on, all functions are logged, by default. If you wish to restrict logging to particular functions of interest only, you can edit the “LoggingMask=” parameter in the crystoki.ini [Windows] or Chrystoki.conf [UNIX] file to include flags for the desired logging.

LoggingMask= Flags

Here is the list of possible flags for cklog:

Flag Description


General Functions


Slot/Token related functions


Session related functions


Object Management functions


Encrypt/Decrypt related functions


Digest Related functions


Signing/Verifying related functions


Key Management related functions


Misc functions


SafeNet Extensions functions


All functions logged;

You can mix and match any or all of the flags, using the “|” operator. For example, the following:


would be valid.

Note:  You can use the flags in any order. Using the ALL_FUNC flag overrides any other flag. 
If you have the “LoggingMask=” parameter, with NO flags set, then nothing is logged. If logging capability is enabled (cklog), but there is no “LoggingMask=” line, then default behavior prevails and everything is logged.