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Luna SA-Specific Commands

Luna SA, both the HSM Server and the client, use PKCS#11 and the SafeNet Extensions, with some exceptions that differ from other Luna products. This SDK document is meant to support all Luna products that use PKCS#11 and the other supported interfaces, in addition to Luna SA.

Commands Not Available Through Libraries

Several commands, both standard PKCS#11 commands and our Extensions are not enabled in the Client, because their functions are addressed on Luna SA via the lunash interface. These are:





all of the CCM commands




Configuration Settings

Other SafeNet tokens implement configuration settings that can be used to modify the behavior of the token, or can be read to determine how the token will behave.

In Luna SA, this configuration and modification of HSM and behavior is controlled in lunash via HSM Policies, using the following commands:

"hsm showpolicies"

"hsm changepolicy"

Control of HSM Partition behavior is accomplished through the HSM Partition Policies, using the following lunash commands:

"partition showpolicies"

"partition changepolicy"