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Key Export

Note:  These features are supported through the PKCS #11 V2.01 API only.

Derivation of Symmetric Keys with 3DES_ECB

Luna Key Export supports derivation of symmetric keys by the encryption of "diversification data" with a base key. Access to the derivation functionality is through the PKCS #11 C_DeriveKey function with the CKM_DES3_ECB and CKM_DES_ECB mechanism. Diversification data is provided as the mechanism parameter. The derived key can be any type of symmetric key. The encrypted data forms the CKA_VALUE attribute of the derived key. A template provided as a parameter to the C_DeriveKey function defines all other attributes.

Rules for the derivation are as follows:

The Base Key must be of type CKK_DES2 or CKK_DES3 when using CKM_DES3_ECB. It must be of type CKK_DES when using CKM_DES_ECB.

The base key must have its CKA_DERIVE attribute set to TRUE.

The template for the derived key must identify the key type (CKA_KEY_TYPE) and length (CKA_VALUE_LEN). The type and length must be compatible. The length can be omitted if the key type supports only one length. (E.g., If key type is CKK_DES2, the length must either be explicitly defined as 16, or be omitted to allow the value to default to 16). Other attributes in the template must be consistent with the security policy settings of the Luna HSM.

The derivation mechanism must be set to CKM_DES3_ECB or CKM_DES_ECB, the mechanism parameter pointer must point to the diversification data, and the mechanism parameter length must be set to the diversification data length.

The diversification data must be the same length as the key to be derived, with one exception. If the key to be derived is16 bytes, the base key is CKK_DES2 and the diversification data is only 8 bytes, then the data is encrypted twice - once with the base key and once with the base key with its halves reversed. Joining the two encrypted pieces forms the derived key.

If the derived key is of type CKK_DES, CKK_DES2 or CKK_DES3, odd key parity is applied to the new key value immediately following the encryption of the diversification data. The encrypted data is taken as-is for the formation of all other types of symmetric keys.

RSA Key Component Wrapping

The RSA Key Component Wrapping is a feature that allows an application to wrap any subset of attributes from an RSA private key with 3-DES. Access to the feature is through the PKCS #11 function C_WrapKey with the CKM_DES3_ECB mechanism. The wrapping key must be a CKK_DES2 or CKK_DES3 key with its CKA_WRAP attribute set to TRUE. The key to wrap must be an RSA private key with CKA_EXTRACTABLE set to TRUE and the FPV must have FPV_WRAPPING_TOKEN turned on.

The details of the wrapping format are specified with a format descriptor. The format descriptor is provided as the mechanism parameter to the CKM_DES3_ECB mechanism. This descriptor consists of a 32-bit format version, followed by a set of field element descriptors. Each field element descriptor consists of a 32-bit Field Type Identifier and optionally some additional data. The Luna  firmware parses the set of field element descriptors and builds the custom layout of the RSA private key in an internal buffer. Once all field element descriptors are processed, the buffer is wrapped with 3-DES and passed out to the calling application. It is the responsibility of the calling application to ensure that the buffer is a multiple of 8 bytes.

The format descriptor version (the first 32-bit value in the format data) must always be set to zero.

The set of supported field element descriptor constants is as follows:

#define KM_APPEND_STRING  0x00000000

#define KM_APPEND_ATTRIBUTE 0x00000001


#define KM_APPEND_RFC1423_PADDING 0x00000010

#define KM_APPEND_ZERO_PADDING 0x00000011

#define KM_APPEND_ZERO_WORD_PADDING 0x00000012

#define KM_APPEND_INV_XOR_CHECKSUM 0x00000020

#define KM_DEFINE_IV_FOR_CBC 0x00000030

The meanings of the field element descriptors is as follows:

Field element descriptor Description

Appends an arbitrary string of bytes to the custom layout buffer.

The field type identifier is followed by a 32-bit length field defining the number of bytes to append.

The length field is followed by the bytes to append.

There is no restriction of the length of data that may be appended, as long as the total buffer length does not exceed 3072 bytes.


Appends an RSA private key component into the buffer in big endian representation.

The field type identifier is followed by a 32-bit CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE value set to one of the following: CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT, CKA_PRIME_1, CKA_PRIME_2, CKA_EXPONENT_1, CKA_EXPONENT_2, or CKA_COEFFICIENT..

The key component is padded with leading zeros such that the length is equal to the modulus length in the case of the private exponent, or equal to half of the modulus length in the case of the other 5 components.


Appends an RSA private key component into the buffer in little endian representation.

The field type identifier is followed by a 32-bit CK_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE value set to one of the following: CKA_PRIVATE_EXPONENT, CKA_PRIME_1, CKA_PRIME_2, CKA_EXPONENT_1, CKA_EXPONENT_2, or CKA_COEFFICIENT.

The key component is padded with trailing zeros such that the length is equal to the modulus length in the case of the private exponent, or equal to half of the modulus length in the case of the other 5 components.


Applies RFC 1423 padding to the buffer (appends 1 to 8 bytes with values equal to the number of bytes, such that the total buffer length becomes a multiple of 8).

This would typically be the last formatting element in a set, but this is not enforced.


Applies Zero padding to the buffer (appends 0 to 7 bytes with values equal to Zero, such that the total buffer length becomes a multiple of 8).

This would typically be the last formatting element in a set, but this is not enforced.

KM_APPEND_ZERO_WORD_PADDING Zero pads the buffer to the next 32-bit word boundary.

Calculates and adds a checksum byte to the buffer.

The checksum is calculated as the complement of the bytewise XOR of the buffer being built.


Allows definition of an IV so that 3DES_CBC wrapping can be performed even though the functionality is invoked with the CKM_3DES_ECB mechanism.

The field type identifier is followed by a 32-bit length field, which must be set to 8.

The length is followed by exactly 8 bytes of data which are used as the IV for the wrapping operation.


To wrap just the private exponent of an RSA key in big endian representation, the parameters would appear as follows:

Note:  Ensure that the packing alignment for your structures uses one (1) byte boundaries.

UInt32 version = 0;
UInt32 elementType = KM_APPEND_ATTRIBUTE;

To wrap the set of RSA key components Prime1, Prime2, Coefficient, Exponent1, Exponent2 in little endian represen-tation with a leading byte of 0x05 and ending with a CRC byte and then zero padding, the parameters would appear in a packed structure as follows:

UInt32 version = 0;
UInt32 elementType1 = KM_APPEND_STRING;
UInt32 length = 1;
UInt8 byteValue = 5;
UInt32 elementType8 = KM_APPEND_ZERO_PADDING;