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LunaCM Features

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Non-ambiguous command shortnames are supported. You must type the exact shortname that is listed in the syntax help, or else type the full command with no abbreviations.
Additionally, for syntax help, the alias “?” is available.

Commands and options are case-insensitive.

Limited scripting is possible

However, handling of return codes is not fully supported at this time. The utility is not a full-featured shell, so features like command-completion or parsing of partial commands are not supported.

Case Insensitivity

Commands and options entered by the user are not sensitive to case. If a user accidentally leaves the Caps-Lock key on, or by habit capitalizes some commands or options, they should not have to re-enter or edit the command line.

Command parameters, however, are passed to command executables with the same case as entered on the command line. Command executables must deal with case issues as appropriate for the command.

For example, you can type:

 lunacm:> partition login -password mYpa55word! 


 lunacm:> partition LOGIN -PASSWorD mYpa55word!

and successfully login to your Partition. Note that the command and sub-commands can be any combination of uppercase and lowercase letters. The command parser interprets it correctly. However, the password string itself is passed on to the access-control handler, which is very particular about lettercase. Therefore, an item like a password must be typed letter-perfect with the appropriate case applied.

Note:  The above example is for Password Authenticated Luna HSMs. For Trusted Path Authenticated HSM, do not type the password - you are directed to the Luna PED, which prompts for the required PED Key.