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Accessing LunaCM

The LunaCM utility (lunacm) is the Client-side administrative command interface for Luna HSMs.

Previously, LunaCM's reach was confined to locally connected Luna HSMs - either an installed Luna PCI-E 5.x (K6 HSM card), or a USB-connected Luna G5 HSM. From Luna HSM 5.2 onward, LunaCM is now able to interact and perform operations on distantly located Luna HSM appliances (Luna SA).

Open a Command Prompt or console window.

Go to the LunaClient software directory and start the LunaCM utility.


c:\ cd c:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient

c:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\> lunacm

Linux and Solaris

> cd /usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin


General Operation

Some preliminary status information appears, followed by the LunaCM command-line prompt.

You can now issue any lunacm utility command, to manage your Luna HSM.
For a summary, type "help" and press [Enter].