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hsm updatefw

Update the firmware on the Luna HSM.

Note:  The lunacm hsm commands appear only when the current slot selected in lunacm is for a locally-installed HSM, such as a Luna PCI-E. When lunacm is directed at a slot corresponding to a remote Luna SA, the hsm-level commands do not appear, since lunacm has a client-only connection to a remote HSM and therefore cannot log in as SO to a remote HSM. To access HSM commands on the Luna SA appliance, you must use the Luna Shell (lunash).

Note:  For PED-authenticated HSMs, you must disable SRK before you can update the firmware. Use the srk show command to determine whether SRK is enabled on your HSM. If it is, the first line of the output of the srk show command reads Secure Transport Functionality is supported and enabled. If this is the case, run the srk disablecommand to disable SRK on the HSM. You must have the appropriate purple PED Key to disable SRK. If you attempt to update the firmware update while SRK is enabled, the system responds with an error: 0x80000030 (CKR_OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED).


hsm updateFW -fuf <fwupdate_filename> -authcode <authorization_code_filename>

Parameter Shortcut Description
-fuf -u Specifies the firmware update file.
-authcode -a Specifies the file containing the authorization code for the firmware update.
-force -f Force the action without prompting.


lunacm:> hsm updateFW -fuf fwupdateK6_6.1.3_RC7_w_BB_1.3.FUF -authcode authcodeK6_6.1.3_RC7.txt
     You are about to update the firmware.
     The HSM will be reset.
     Are you sure you wish to continue?
Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now -> proceed
Updating firmware. This may take several minutes.
Firmware update passed. Resetting HSM
Command Result : No Error