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Connecting Multiple Luna G5 Units to One Computer

Luna G5 is a USB device; therefore multiple units can be connected and working simultaneously at one computer.

One limitation would be the number of USB ports on your computer.

If you need to exceed the number of USB ports directly available on your computer, be sure to use a high-quality USB hub. Generally, we suggest not using the external hubs that are integrated into some monitors and keyboards - or you can try such a connection if it is convenient, and if you encounter problems with your Luna G5, then reconnect it more directly to your computer.


When connecting multiple Luna G5 units (to a computer that already has the software and driver installed), wait 30 seconds between connections, to allow each unit to perform its onboard self-test and to complete its handshake with the computer.

If you have multiple units connected and must power-cycle your computer, the USB-connected devices will receive a reset. Therefore, we suggest that you disconnect all but one Luna G5 and then, after the computer has completed its startup and recognized the single connected Luna G5, connect the other units at 30-second intervals until all have been reconnected and are once again working.

If a power outage occurs, involving a computer and multiple connected Luna G5s, verify upon return from the outage that all Luna G5s are properly recognized (the slots show the correct identification and you can see the objects in the HSM partitions). If there is any problem, try disconnecting and then reconnecting the Luna G5 units on 30-second intervals.