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vtl haAdmin show


 vtl haAdmin show  - show status of HA members.


vtl haAdmin show


Shows the cryptoki connectivity status of all currently configured HA members.


-syncStatus (optional) show sync status for each group. Prompt for group password

-help (optional) display this message


C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient>vtl haadmin -show
================ HA Global Configuration Settings ===============
HA Auto Recovery:  disabled
Maximum Auto Recovery Retry:  0
Auto Recovery Poll Interval:  60 seconds
HA Logging:  enabled
HA Log File:  C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\haErrorLog.txt
Maximum HA Log File Length:  1000000 bytes
Only Show HA Slots:  no
================ HA Group and Member Information ================
HA Group Label:  testgroup
HA Group Number:  1150520008
HA Group Slot #:  6
Synchronization:  enabled
Group Members:  150520008
Standby members:  <none>
Slot #    Member S/N                      Member Label    Status
======    ==========                      ============    ======
1         150520008                       zspar           alive