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vtl haAdmin haLog


 vtl haAdmin halog  - set HA logging on or off.


vtl haAdmin halog -path <log-file_path> [-maxlen <maximum-log-file-length>


Set the HA logger on and logging to a file of 262144 bytes or larger, or set the HA logger off by specifying a log file length of 0 (zero).


-enable Enable HA log.

-disable Disable HA log.

-path <log-file path>  [mandatory] The path to the location where the logfile is stored. If there is a space in the path, then put quote characters around the entire path string.

-maxlen <maximum log-file length>  [optional] The maximum allowable size the logfile can reach before it is overwritten. Possible settings are zero, which disables the HA logger, or a number equal to, or greater than, 262144 bytes, which enables the HA logger.


C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient>vtl haadmin halog -path "C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient"
C:\Program Files\Safenet\LunaClient>vtl haadmin show
================ HA Global Configuration Settings ===============
HA Auto Recovery:  disabled
Maximum Auto Recovery Retry:  0
Auto Recovery Poll Interval:  60 seconds
HA Logging:  disabled
Only Show HA Slots:  no
C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient>vtl haadmin -halog -enable
HA Log enabled
C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient>vtl haadmin -show
================ HA Global Configuration Settings ===============
HA Auto Recovery:  disabled
Maximum Auto Recovery Retry:  0
Auto Recovery Poll Interval:  60 seconds
HA Logging:  enabled
HA Log File:  C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\haErrorLog.txt
Maximum HA Log File Length:  262144 bytes
Only Show HA Slots:  no
C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient>vtl haadmin -halog -maxlen 1000000
C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient>vtl haadmin -show
================ HA Global Configuration Settings ===============
HA Auto Recovery:  disabled
Maximum Auto Recovery Retry:  0
Auto Recovery Poll Interval:  60 seconds
HA Logging:  enabled
HA Log File:  C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\haErrorLog.txt
Maximum HA Log File Length:  1000000 bytes
Only Show HA Slots:  no