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vtl haAdmin autoRecovery


 vtl haAdmin autoRecovery - Set the autorecovery interval and retries.


vtl haAdmin autorecovery [ -retry <retry count> | -interval <seconds> ]


Set the HA autoRecovery retry count value - a positive value between 0 and 500 (or -1 for infinite retries), and the polling interval for those retries.


-retry <retry count>  [one or the other of '-retry' or '-interval' must be used] The number of times HA function will attempt to automatically recover a member that has failed to synchronize or has dropped from the HA group. Setting to a value of zero switches the feature off. Any other positive value (up to 500) switches it on. A value of -1 means infinite retry attempts can be made.

-interval <seconds>  [one or the other of '-retry' or '-interval' must be used] The interval at which the HA function will attempt to automatically recover a member that has failed to synchronize or has dropped from the HA group. Set the polling interval between 60 seconds and 1200 seconds.


C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient> vtl haAdmin autorecovery -retry 9

C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClientClient>