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vtl addServer


 vtl addServer


vtl addServer -n <server hostname> -c <servers cert filename> [-htl]


Adds the specified server to the client's list of trusted Luna Servers. You may wish to check the fingerprint of the server certificate with the vtl fingerprint command before adding it. The server certificate is one that you have imported from the Luna appliance to your Client computer, using scp.

You must be Administrator on your Client computer, or logged in as a user with Administrator privileges.


-n <server hostname>  [mandatory] The hostname (or IP address) of the server to add. Use the IP address if the server's certificate uses its ip address instead of its hostname. If you are uncertain what format the server's certificate uses, contact your Luna appliance administrator, or look for the “CN=” field when using the vtl examineCert command.

-c <certificate file>  [mandatory] The name (including the path to its location on your computer) of the server's certificate file. Use the 'scp' utility to collect the server's certificate from the Luna appliance, or use the certificate provided by your Luna appliance administrator. You may wish to confirm the authenticity of the certificate by using the vtl fingerprint command.

-htl  [optional] Require HTL (host trust link) an additional layer of trust, that separates the link authentication from specific hardware, allowing trust of virtual clients, such as in cloud environments - also can be used to enhance trust for non-virtual/non-cloud clients.


$ ./vtl add -n -c server161.pem -htl
New server successfully added to server list..