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About the CMU Functions

This section provides a detailed description of each function available in the Certificate Management Utility.

The command function is the first parameter on the command line that invokes the CMU application. It does not require a leading dash character. All options follow the command function and do employ leading dashes. Only a single command function can be specified with each invocation of the CMU application.

 cmu <function> <-parameter_name[=parameter_value]>

Most functions take parameters, some of which may be mandatory, and some optional. Parameters may, in turn, take values. If a parameter takes a value, then the general syntax is to write the command "cmu", followed by a space, followed by a function name, followed by a space, followed by a leading dash "-" and parameter name and an equal sign "=" and a value, with no spaces from the dash to the end of the parameter value. Multiple parameters are separated by spaces.


Where an operation requires authentication, you must provide the appropriate Password (for a Password Authenticated HSM) or the appropriate PED Key (via Luna PED, for a Trusted Path HSM).