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The OTHERS Menu Functions

The OTHERS menu provides the following functions:

90) Self Test

Not currently supported.

94) Open Access

Creates a token access ID that is independent of any sessions so that the login state can be maintained even when your application exits. Used to allow the same application to return repeatedly for access without requiring a separate login each time. Remains active until Closed (command 95, below) or until the token is removed.

95) Close Access

Kills the ID generated by command 94, above.

97) Set App ID

You are prompted to type in an explicit application ID (in two parts, Major and Minor), rather than having it generated by Chrystoki. Doing so effectively causes all processes (using that Major/Minor application ID) on the machine to be recognized as the same application. Refer to the PKCS#11 Extensions document.

98) Options

This item allows you to change some default options of the CKDemo program. You can turn off help (which prevents the entire menu from being displayed after each command), or select the type of session you wish the Open Session command to use. Use option #0 to exit this menu and return to the CKDemo main menu.

100) LKM Commands