You are here: Reference Manual > Client-side Commands (lunacm) > lunacm hsm Commands > lunacm hsm restoreSIM2 Command


lunacm hsm Commands

lunacm hsm restoreSIM2 Command

This command, and all the lunacm hsm commands, appear only when the current slot selected in lunacm is for a local HSM, like an installed Luna PCI-E.

HSM commands do not appear in the lunacm command menu when lunacm is directed at a slot corresponding to a remote Luna SA - lunacm has a client-only connection to a remote HSM and therefore cannot log in as SO to a remote HSM.

For Luna SA, the HSM commands are available via the Luna appliance's Luna Shell (lunash:>), which can be accessed via ssh if you have the required authentication.


hsm restoreSIM2  - Insert backed-up SO objects into the HSM


lunacm:> hsm restoreSIM2 [- auth <auth data>] -filename <input filename>


This command inserts backed up SO objects into the HSM.

When a SIM2-portable blob is created, the options to protect it are:
- none, or
- an authentication text string.
Therefore, this restore/import operation offers the option to supply an unlocking/authentication text string in case one was used to secure the blob.



Name Short Description
-auth -a Authorization password (optional)
-filename -fi Input file name
-partition -par Restore partition


-auth                 [optional] If "-auth" is specified, the CKA_SIM_PORTABLE_PASSWORD SIM Form will be used. Otherwise the CKA_SIM_PORTABLE_NO_AUTHORIZATION SIM Form will be used. The same SIM Form that was used for the backup command must be used for the restore command.

-filename   [mandatory] The name of the file (SIM2-portable blob) to be imported.

partition          [mandatory] Partition into which objects are restored.



lunacm:> hsm restoreSIM2 -auth someauthenticationsecret -filename mySIM2portableblob

Command Result : No Error