You are here: Reference Manual > Client-side Commands (lunacm) > lunacm hsm Commands > lunacm hsm factoryReset Command

lunacm hsm Commands

hsm factoryReset Command

This command, and all the lunacm hsm commands, appear only when the current slot selected in lunacm is for a local HSM, like an installed Luna PCI-E.

HSM commands do not appear in the lunacm command menu when lunacm is directed at a slot corresponding to a remote Luna SA - lunacm has a client-only connection to a remote HSM and therefore cannot log in as SO to a remote HSM.

For Luna SA, the HSM commands are available via the Luna appliance's Luna Shell (lunash:>), which can be accessed via ssh if you have the required authentication.


hsm factoryReset


lunacm:> hsm factoryReset [-force]


Sets the HSM back to factory default settings, clearing all contents (puts HSM in zeroized state).

Because this is a destructive command, the user is asked to “proceed” unless the -force switch is provided at the command line.  This command can be performed only at the local serial console.



 Command            (short)  Description
-force          -f       Force Action


-force   [optional] If this option is included in the list, the HSM will be zeroized without prompting the user for a confirmation of this destructive command.


lunacm:>hsm factoryReset

CAUTION:  Are you sure you wish to reset this HSM to factory
default settings? All partitions and data will be erased
and HSM policies will be reverted to factory settings.

          Type 'proceed' to return the HSM to factory default, or
'quit' to quit now.

          > proceed

Command Result : 0 (success)