You are here: Reference Manual > Client-side Commands (lunacm) > lunacm haGroup Commands

lunacm haGroup Commands

lunacm haGroup Commands

These commands manage and administer HA (high availability) groups of Luna HSMs, for redundancy and load balancing.

The following sub-commands are available:

 Command         Short    Description

 createGroup     c    Create a HA group
 deleteGroup     d    Delete a HA group
 addMember       am   Add member to HA group
 removeMember    rm   Remove member to HA group
 addStandby      as   Add standby member to HA group
 removeStandby   rs   Remove standby member to HA group
 listGroups      l    List HA groups
 synchronize     s    Synchronize HA group
 HAOnly          ho   Enable "HA Only" mode
 retry           rt   Set the HA recover retry count
 interval        i    Set the HA recover retry interval
 recover         re   Recover a failed HA member
 haLog           hl   Configure the HA log file


"lunacm haGroup createGroup Command"

"lunacm haGroup deleteGroup Command"

"lunacm haGroup addMember Command"

"lunacm haGroup removeMember Command"

"lunacm haGroup addStandby Command"

"lunacm haGroup removeStandby Command"

"lunacm haGroup listGroups Command"

"lunacm haGroup removeStandby Command"

"lunacm haGroup HAOnly Command"

"lunacm haGroup retry Command"

"lunacm haGroup interval Command"

"lunacm haGroup recover Command"

"lunacm haGroup halog Command"




lunacm haGroup createGroup Command

lunacm haGroup deleteGroup Command

lunacm haGroup addMember Command

lunacm haGroup removeMember Command

lunacm haGroup addStandby Command

lunacm haGroup removeStandby Command

lunacm haGroup listGroups Command

lunacm haGroup synchronize Command

lunacm haGroup HAOnly Command

lunacm haGroup retry Command

lunacm haGroup interval Command

lunacm haGroup recover Command

lunacm haGroup halog Command