You are here: Configuration Manual (Set up Luna Appliance after Installing) > [Step 6] Setting up a Network Trust Link > Windows NTL Setup > Register the HSM Server Cert with the Client (Windows)

Register the HSM Server Certificate with the Client (Windows)

Use vtl, the supplied client-side tool for managing HSM client/server setup. The vtl command is not interactive. It is called from the command line or a shell prompt, it completes its current task, and it exits back to the shell.

Invoke the vtl addServer command so that the client can create a secure connection with the HSM (the server).

The vtl executable is located at c:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient unless you have changed the default installation.   


C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient > vtl addServer -n <LunaSA hostname-or-IPaddress> -c <serverCert-file>


   c:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\ > vtl addServer -n myLuna3 -c server.pem



You might need to surround the entire filespec (path and filename) within quotation marks if Windows stumbles at the space between Program and Files.



If you are working without DNS, then give the server IP number, rather than its name, as in:

c:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\ >vtl addServer -n <sa-ip-address> -c server.pem


When you have completed this step, "Create a Client Certificate (Windows)".