You are here: Configuration Manual (Set up Luna Appliance after Installing) > [Step 6] Setting up a Network Trust Link > UNIX NTL Setup > Register the HSM Server Cert with the Client (UNIX)

Register the HSM Server Certificate with the Client (UNIX)

Use vtl, the supplied client-side tool for managing HSM client/server setup. The vtl command is not interactive. It is called from the command line or a shell prompt, it completes its current task, and it exits back to the shell.

Invoke the vtl addServer command so that the client can create a secure connection with the HSM (the server).

The vtl executable is located at  /usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin/  unless you changed the default.


bash-2.05# ./vtl addServer -n <LunaSAhostname-or-IPaddress> -c server.pem   



bash-2.05# ./vtl addServer -n myLuna3 -c cert/server/server.pem


If you are working without DNS, then give the server IP number, rather than its name, as in:

bash-2.05# ./vtl addServer -n <sa-IP-address> -c <serverCert-file>


Next, "Create a Client Certificate (UNIX)".