You are here: Configuration Manual (Set up Luna Appliance after Installing) > [Step 5] Setting Partition Policies > Partition Policies

Partition Policies

At this point, you should have initialized the HSM and created an HSM Partition.  You may need to set the policies that constrain the use of the HSM Partition by clients. Capabilities are factory settings ( "Capabilities and Policies" ). Policies are the means of modifying the adjustable capabilities.    

First, display the policies (default) of the created HSM Partition.

In order to run the partition showPolicies command, you do not need to be logged into the  HSM Partition.

However, to change policies of either the HSM or an individual Partition, you must login as HSM Administrator.

  1. View the Partition policies. At the lunash prompt, type the command


lunash:> partition showPolicies -partition mypartition
Partition Name: mypartition
Partition Num: 65038002

   The following capabilities describe this partition and can
   never be changed.

   Description                              Value
   ===========                              =====
   Enable private key cloning               Allowed
   Enable private key wrapping              Disallowed
   Enable private key unwrapping            Allowed
   Enable private key masking               Disallowed
   Enable secret key cloning                Allowed
   Enable secret key wrapping               Allowed
   Enable secret key unwrapping             Allowed
   Enable secret key masking                Disallowed
   Enable multipurpose keys                 Allowed
   Enable changing key attributes           Allowed
   Enable PED use without challenge         Allowed
   Allow failed challenge responses         Allowed
   Enable operation without RSA blinding    Allowed
   Enable signing with non-local keys       Allowed
   Enable raw RSA operations                Allowed
   Max failed user logins allowed           10
   Enable high availability recovery        Allowed
   Enable activation                        Allowed
   Enable auto-activation                   Allowed
   Minimum pin length (inverted: 255 - min) 248
   Maximum pin length                       255
   Enable Key Management Functions          Allowed
   Enable RSA signing without confirmation  Allowed
   Enable Remote Authentication             Allowed
   Enable private key unmasking             Allowed
   Enable secret key unmasking              Allowed
   Enable RSA PKCS mechanism                Allowed
   Enable CBC-PAD (un)wrap keys of any size Allowed

   The following policies are set due to current configuration
   of this partition and may not be altered directly by the

   Description                              Value
   ===========                              =====
   Challenge for authentication not needed  False

   The following policies describe the current configuration
   of this partition and may be changed by the HSM Administrator.

   Description                              Value        Code
   ===========                              =====        ====
   Allow private key cloning                On           0
   Allow private key unwrapping             On           2
   Allow secret key cloning                 On           4
   Allow secret key wrapping                On           5
   Allow secret key unwrapping              On           6
   Allow multipurpose keys                  On           10
   Allow changing key attributes            On           11
   Ignore failed challenge responses        On           15
   Operate without RSA blinding             On           16
   Allow signing with non-local keys        On           17
   Allow raw RSA operations                 On           18
   Max failed user logins allowed           10           20
   Allow high availability recovery         On           21
   Allow activation                         Off          22
   Allow auto-activation                    Off          23
   Minimum pin length (inverted: 255 - min) 248          25
   Maximum pin length                       255          26
   Allow Key Management Functions           On           28
   Perform RSA signing without confirmation On           29
   Allow Remote Authentication              On           30
   Allow private key unmasking              On           31
   Allow secret key unmasking               On           32
   Allow RSA PKCS mechanism                 On           33
   Allow CBC-PAD (un)wrap keys of any size  On           34

Command Result : 0 (Success)
[myluna] lunash:>




(Next, change any of the policies that you wish to change "Set Partition Policy" .)



See Also