You are here: Configuration Manual (Set up Luna Appliance after Installing) > [Step 7] Assigning Clients to Partitions > Assign a Client to a Luna HSM Partition

Assign a Client to an HSM Partition

At this point, you should already have

to create a Network Trust Link (NTL) between Client and Luna SA.
The final Configuration step, before your Client can begin using the Luna SA, is to assign the Client to a specific Partition.

You will perform the actions in this section:

You must be connected to the HSM Server and logged in as “admin”.

Assign a Client to a Partition

Now, assign the registered client to the HSM Partition.

The command is:

lunash:> client assignPartition -client <clientname> -partition <partition name>

Example – lunash client - assignPartition Command

lunash:> client assignPartition -client myClient1 -partition myPartition1
'client assignpartition ' successful.

The parameter <partition name> is the name of the HSM Partition that was created earlier, following configuration of the HSM.


To verify, look at the HSM Partition assigned to the client.

lunash:> client show -client <clientname>

Refer to the Reference section of this Help for command syntax and descriptions.

Verify Your Setup

Before beginning to use a Client application with your newly configured Luna SA system, you can verify that the foregoing setup has been properly performed.

  1. On your Client computer, open a command-line console.
  2. Go to the software directory (c:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient for Windows, or /usr/safenet/lunaclient for Linux, Solaris or AIX, or /opt/safenet/lunaclient for HP-UX), and type vtl verify.
  3. The response should be similar to:
    Slot    Serial #     Label
    ====    ========     =====
    1       2279315      Partition1

If you get an error message, then some part of the configuration has not been properly completed. Retrace the procedure.

At this point, the client and HSM are configured and registered with each other. You can now begin to use the Luna SA with your application.

You can use the “partition list” command for a list of HSM Partitions on the HSM, and the “client list” command for a list of the clients assigned to an HSM Partition.




Yes. That was the complete setup. We suggest that you browse the Concepts and the Administration & Maintenance sections of this Help to develop a deeper understanding of the options and capabilities of your Luna SA appliance, and of the housekeeping tasks and utilities that you might need. The SDK section is provided for programmers/developers.

Client Connection Limits

See "Connections to the Appliance - Limits ", for a discussion of the limits for client connections to a Luna SA appliance and HSM.

Applications and Integrations

If you have any of dozens of third-party applications, we might already have performed system integration with it, and published an Integration Guide for the application or API that you wish to use. Contact SafeNet Customer Support for the latest list of current integrations, or to request that one be developed.