You are here: Administration & Maintenance Manual > Appliance Administration > Public-Key Authentication for Administrator (optional) > Using Public-Key Authentication

Using Public-Key Authentication

In its default configuration, the Luna appliance Administrator account (userid admin) uses standard password authentication (userid/password).  You can also choose to use Public Key-based Authentication for SSH access.  The relevant commands to manage Public Key Authentication are described here.


The following is an example exercise to illustrate the use of Public-Key Authentication.

Public Key Authentication to a Luna Appliance Using UNIX SSH Clients

  1. From any UNIX client, generate a public key identity to be used for authentication to the Luna appliance.

[root@mypc /]# ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /root/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /root/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
6e:7a:7e:e1:2a:54:8f:99:3e:6a:56:f8:38:22:fb:a6 root@pinky

Two files are created, a private key file (which stays on the server) and a public key file that we  now scp to the Luna appliance.

  1. SSH to the Luna appliance and verify that the default functionality is a password prompt:

[root@mypc /]# ssh admin@myLuna
admin@myLuna's password:

  1. Now, scp the client’s public key to the appliance:

[root@mypc /]# scp /root/.ssh/ admin@viper23:
admin@myluna's password:           100% |*****************************|   220       00:00

  1. On the Luna SA appliance, verify the default settings of the Public Key Authentication service:

[myLuna] lunash:>sysconf -ssh show
SSH is unrestricted.
Password   authentication is enabled
Public key authentication is enabled

Command Result : 0 (Success)

  1. Verify that there are no public key entries by default:

[myLuna] lunash:>sysconf -ssh publickey list
SSH Public Keys for user 'admin':
Name             Type     Bits Fingerprint
Command Result : 0 (Success)

  1. Add the pubic key that you sent over earlier (from server mypc in our example)

[myLuna] lunash:>sysconf -ssh publickey add root@mypc -f
Public key added
Command Result : 0 (Success)

  1. Check the list again:

[myLuna] lunash:>sysconf -ssh publickey list
SSH Public Keys for user 'admin':
Name             Type     Bits Fingerprint
root@pinky       ssh-rsa  1024 6e:7a:7e:e1:2a:54:8f:99:3e:6a:56:f8:38:22:fb:a6

Command Result : 0 (Success)

Notice that the fingerprint reported is the same as was generated back on mypc.

  1. From mypc, ssh into myLuna; you should NOT be password prompted:

[root@mypc /]# ssh admin@myluna
Luna SA 5.1.0-22 Command Line Shell - Copyright (c) 2001-2011 SafeNet, Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Verify that you are still password prompted if you ssh from other clients:

bash-2.05b# ./ssh admin@myLuna
admin@myLuna's password:

  1. Disable public key authentication on myLuna, and verify the current status of the service.

[myLuna] lunash:>sysconf ssh publickey disable
Public key authentication disabled

Command Result : 0 (Success)

[myLuna] lunash:>sysconf ssh show
SSH is unrestricted.
Password   authentication is enabled
Public key authentication is disabled
Command Result : 0 (Success)

  1. SSH in again from mypc, and verify that you are password prompted:

[root@mypc /]# ssh admin@myLuna
admin@myLuna's password:

The above example illustrates enabling and disabling Public-Key Authentication for SSH connections to your Luna appliance.

Console (serial port) access still requires the userid and password.


Once you enable public key authentication for an administration computer, the private SSH key (/root/.ssh/id_rsa) must be protected, and access to that computer must be restricted and password-protected. Anyone who can log into that computer can log into the Luna SA appliance without knowing the Luna shell (lunash:> admin password!

To further explore/confirm the Public-Key Authentication functions, you could SSH in again from Windows and other UNIX clients, and verify that you are still password prompted as normal for those clients.

Verify that the client list is always accurate.  

Delete one or two of your public key clients.  Verify that those clients are password prompted again.

Clear all public key clients with the -clear subcommand.  Verify that all clients are password prompted again.

Obviously, most of the above has been an extended example, to show various aspects of the function, and you do not need to go through all those steps just to set up Public-Key Authentication for a client/admin computer.



See Also