SafeNet Luna G7-Based Backup HSM Hardware Installation

The following topics describe how to install and connect a G7-based SafeNet Luna Backup HSM. To ensure a successful installation, perform the following tasks in the order indicated:

1.Ensure that you have all of the required components, as listed in SafeNet Luna Backup HSM Received Items

2.Install and connect the hardware, as described in Installing the SafeNet Luna Backup HSM Hardware

CAUTION!   To ensure the security and integrity of your new device, refer to Verifying the Integrity of Your Shipment before unpacking your new SafeNet Luna Backup HSM.

The G7-based SafeNet Luna Backup HSM complies with the following:

SafeNet Luna Backup HSM Received Items

This section provides a list of the components you should have received with your order.

Included Items

The following items are included with your new backup HSM.

Quantity Item

SafeNet Luna Backup HSM


USB 3.0 Cable: Type A to Type C


5V Power Supply with replaceable plug modules for international use.

NOTE   On most workstations, the USB connection provides adequate power to the backup HSM. If you are using a low-power workstation, such as a netbook, the USB connection may not provide adequate power, in which case you will also need to connect the external power supply.

Installing the SafeNet Luna Backup HSM Hardware

The backup HSM is a USB device. To install the backup HSM, connect it to a Luna HSM Client workstation using the included USB cable. The workstation must be running Luna HSM Client software that supports the backup HSM and provides the required drivers. Refer to the release notes and see Backup and Restore Using a G7-Based Backup HSM for more information.

NOTE   On most workstations, the USB connection provides adequate power to the Backup HSM and it will begin the boot sequence. If you are using a low-power workstation, such as a netbook, the USB connection may not provide adequate power, in which case you will also need to connect the external power supply.