cmu delete

This function deletes a key, certificate, or generic data object on the token. A confirmation message is presented to the user, describing the class and label of the object about to be deleted.


cmu delete { -handle=<handle#> | -ouid=<OUID#> | -certlabel=<label> | -privatelabel=<label> | -publiclabel=<label> } [-force] [-password=<password>] [-ped=<PED_ID>] [-slot=<slot#>]

Argument(s) Description
-certlabel=<label> The label identifying the certificate to delete. Can be used instead of the object handle.

Proceed without prompting for confirmation.

-handle=<handle#> The handle of the object to be deleted. This method of selection applies to Luna HSMs only. On an HSMoD slot, use -ouid.
-ouid=<OUID#> The Object Unified Identifier (OUID) of the object to be deleted. This method of selection requires Luna HSM Client 10.2.0 or newer, and applies to HSMoD only. On a Luna HSM slot, use -handle.
-privatelabel=<label> The label identifying the private key to delete. Can be used instead of the object handle or OUID.
-publiclabel=<label> The label identifying the public key to delete. Can be used instead of the object handle or OUID.
-password=<password> The password for the role accessing the current slot, with the current command. If this is not specified, it is prompted.
-ped=<PED_ID> Specifies the PED ID for the registered Remote PED that will handle authentication for the current slot, with the current command. You must specify this parameter to use Remote PED authentication.
-slot=<slot#> The slot to be acted upon, by the current command. If this is not specified, it is prompted.


The following command deletes the key or certificate referenced by object handle 14 without a request for confirmation of the delete operation:

cmu delete -handle=14 -force

The following command queries the user for a handle of an object to delete. The user is asked to confirm the deletion operation:

cmu delete