hsm qos metrics show

Display the partition utilization metrics, or optionally save to file.

NOTE   This feature requires minimum firmware version 7.3.0, appliance software 7.3, and client 7.3. See Version Dependencies by Feature for more information.

User Privileges

This command requires that the HSM SO be logged in. Appliance Users with the following privileges can perform this command:



hsm qos metrics show [-export <filename>] [-partition <name/SN>]




-export <filename> -e

File to receive the utilization data.

-partition <name/SN> -p

A single partition name or serial number, or a comma-delimited list (the list can contain any combination of names and serial numbers). The command output

>displays utilization information for all valid partition names and numbers from the partition list, and

>skips any invalid names or numbers, and

>skips any duplicates, then

>identifies any incorrect partition names or numbers to assist in correcting the error.

If the partition option is not specified, the command shows information for all partitions in the HSM, by default.


With no arguments (output to terminal):

lunash:>hsm qos metrics show  

Partition Name  Serial         Operation       Action      Count
==============  =============  ==========      ==========  =======
test            1230463154880  SIGN            REQUESTS                0
test            1230463154880  VERIFY          REQUESTS                0
test            1230463154880  ENCRYPT         REQUESTS                0
test            1230463154880  DECRYPT         REQUESTS                0
test            1230463154880  KEY_GENERATION  REQUESTS                0
test            1230463154880  KEY_DERIVATION  REQUESTS                0

par2            1230463154886   SIGN            REQUESTS      4700342794
par2            1230463154886   VERIFY          REQUESTS      4700342747
par2            1230463154886   ENCRYPT         REQUESTS               0
par2            1230463154886   DECRYPT         REQUESTS               0
par2            1230463154886   KEY_GENERATION  REQUESTS               0
par2            1230463154886   KEY_DERIVATION  REQUESTS               0

Summary of metrics:

SIGN            :       4700342794  
VERIFY          :       4700342747  
ENCRYPT         :                0
DECRYPT         :                0
KEY_DERIVATION  :                0
KEY_GENERATION  :                0

Metrics valid since 17 December 2018 11:14:47 

Command Result : 0 (Success)

With arguments (output to file):

lunash:>hsm qos metrics show -export myparmetricsfile.cvs

Partition Name  Serial       Operation        Action      Count
==============  ============ ===============  =========  ============ 
sa7pwd78        154438865286 SIGN             REQUESTS              0
sa7pwd78        154438865286 VERIFY           REQUESTS              0
sa7pwd78        154438865286 ENCRYPT          REQUESTS              0
sa7pwd78        154438865286 DECRYPT          REQUESTS              0
sa7pwd78        154438865286 KEY_GENERATION   REQUESTS              0
sa7pwd78        154438865286 KEY_DERIVATION   REQUESTS              0

mypar01         154438865287 SIGN             REQUESTS            404
mypar01         154438865287 VERIFY           REQUESTS            404
mypar01         154438865287 ENCRYPT          REQUESTS              0
mypar01         154438865287 DECRYPT          REQUESTS              0
mypar01         154438865287 KEY_GENERATION   REQUESTS           4354
mypar01         154438865287 KEY_DERIVATION   REQUESTS              0

Summary of metrics:

SIGN            :              404
VERIFY          :              404
ENCRYPT         :                0
DECRYPT         :                0
KEY_GENERATION  :             4354
KEY_DERIVATION  :                0

Metrics valid since 17 December 2018 12:51:43

Successfully exported metrics to file.

Command Result : 0 (Success)

With partition names or numbers (output to terminal):

lunash:>hsm qos metrics show -partition test,par1,1230463154887,par2  

Partition Name  Serial         Operation       Action      Count
==============  =============  ==========      ==========  =======
test            1230463154880  SIGN            REQUESTS                0
test            1230463154880  VERIFY          REQUESTS                0
test            1230463154880  ENCRYPT         REQUESTS                0
test            1230463154880  DECRYPT         REQUESTS                0
test            1230463154880  KEY_GENERATION  REQUESTS                0
test            1230463154880  KEY_DERIVATION  REQUESTS                0

par1            1230463154886   SIGN            REQUESTS            1000
par1            1230463154884   VERIFY          REQUESTS            1000
par1            1230463154884   ENCRYPT         REQUESTS               0
par1            1230463154884   DECRYPT         REQUESTS               0
par1            1230463154884   KEY_GENERATION  REQUESTS               0
par1            1230463154884   KEY_DERIVATION  REQUESTS               0

par2            1230463154887   SIGN            REQUESTS      4700342794
par2            1230463154887   VERIFY          REQUESTS      4700342747
par2            1230463154887   ENCRYPT         REQUESTS               0
par2            1230463154887   DECRYPT         REQUESTS               0
par2            1230463154887   KEY_GENERATION  REQUESTS               0
par2            1230463154887   KEY_DERIVATION  REQUESTS               0

Summary of metrics:

SIGN            :       4700343794  
VERIFY          :       4700343747  
ENCRYPT         :                0
DECRYPT         :                0
KEY_DERIVATION  :                0
KEY_GENERATION  :                0

Metrics valid since 17 December 2018 11:14:47 
Command Result : 0 (Success)

NOTE   In the above example, "par2" is the name of the partition with serial number "1230463154887", so the duplicate designation is ignored.

With partition names or numbers with incorrect name (output to terminal):

lunash:>hsm qos metrics show -partition sa6pwd78,mypar01,154438865288

Error:  The following partitions are invalid and no metrics will be
        shown for them:

        Use 'partition list' for a list of all partitions.

Partition Name  Serial         Operation       Action      Count
==============  =============  ==============  ========== =============
mypar01         154438865287   SIGN             REQUESTS            404
mypar01         154438865287   VERIFY           REQUESTS            404
mypar01         154438865287   ENCRYPT          REQUESTS              0
mypar01         154438865287   DECRYPT          REQUESTS              0
mypar01         154438865287   KEY_GENERATION   REQUESTS           4354
mypar01         154438865287   KEY_DERIVATION   REQUESTS              0

mypar02         154438865288   SIGN             REQUESTS              0
mypar02         154438865288   VERIFY           REQUESTS              0
mypar02         154438865288   ENCRYPT          REQUESTS              0
mypar02         154438865288   DECRYPT          REQUESTS              0
mypar02         154438865288   KEY_GENERATION   REQUESTS           1714
mypar02         154438865288   KEY_DERIVATION   REQUESTS              0

Summary of metrics:
SIGN            :              404
VERIFY          :              404
ENCRYPT         :                0
DECRYPT         :                0
KEY_GENERATION  :             6068
KEY_DERIVATION  :                0

Metrics valid since 17 December 2018 22:51:43

Command Result : 65535 (Luna Shell execution)