hsm firmware rollback

Roll back the HSM firmware to the previously installed version. Only the previously installed version is available for rollback. Rollback allows you to try a new firmware version without permanently committing to the new version.

CAUTION!   Firmware rollback is a destructive action; earlier firmware versions may have fewer or older mechanisms and might have security vulnerabilities that a newer version does not. Back up any important materials before running this command.

You must be logged in as HSM SO to use this command. The HSM must be re-initialized after a firmware rollback.

After rollback is complete, the command hsm show indicates that no further firmware rollback is available.

If you wish to reinstall the newer firmware, use command hsm firmware upgrade. The newer version remains on standby in the appliance, so there is no need to re-upload or to re-install appliance software.

CAUTION!   Update any factory-fresh Network HSM to newer firmware before rolling back. The firmware rollback feature is intended to return the firmware to the previously installed version. Attempting a firmware rollback on a new appliance received directly from Thales Group factory can result in RMA (return of your HSM to Thales Group).

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:




hsm firmware rollback [-force]




-force -f

Force the action without prompting.


lunash:>hsm firmware rollback

   The HSM Administrator is logged in. Proceeding...

   WARNING: This operation will rollback your HSM to the previous firmware version !!!

         (1) This is a destructive operation.
         (2) You will lose all your partitions.
         (3) You might lose some capabilities.
         (4) You must re-initialize the HSM.
         (5) If the PED use is remote, you must re-connect it.

   Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now.

   > proceed

Rolling back firmware.  This may take several minutes.

Command Result : 0 (Success)