Enabling/Disabling Appliance User Accounts

By default, admin is the only active user account on the SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance. The other default accounts (operator, monitor, audit) exist and cannot be deleted. The admin account (or a custom user account with an admin role) must first enable them using the procedure below.

To enable a default appliance user account

1.Connect to the appliance via SSH or a serial connection, and log in to LunaSH as admin or a custom user with an admin role (see Logging In to LunaSH).

2.Enable the desired account.

lunash:> user enable -username <account_name>

The user of this account can now log in to LunaSH with the account name and default password "PASSWORD". See Logging In to LunaSH.

To disable any appliance user account

1.Connect to the appliance via SSH or a serial connection, and log in to LunaSH as admin or a custom user with an admin role (see Logging In to LunaSH).

2.Disable the desired account.

lunash:> user disable -username <username>