
Cryptographic applications that are not specifically adapted to use an HSM Server can be run using SafeNet Luna HSMs, with the aid of the salogin utility. This section provides the settings required for some widely-used applications.

The salogin client-side utility is provided to assist clients that do not include the requisite HSM login and logout capability within the client application. OpenSSL, for example, can be used with HSMs, but has no inherent ability to provide credentials to the HSM.

NOTE   The salogin utility does not work with STC-enabled slots. If you require salogin with your applications, you must use NTLS client links.

Using salogin

Run the utility from a shell or command prompt, or include it in scripts.


salogin {-o | -c} [-p <password>] [-s <slot> | -l <label>] [-i <hi:lo>] [-u] [-r <server_IP>] [-q <port>] [-v] [-h]

Argument(s) Description
-c Close application access.
-h Display this help.
-i <hi:lo> Specifies the application ID high and low components.
-l <label> Specifies the partition label. Include either -l or -s to specify the desired partition.


Open application access.
-p <password> Specifies the challenge password - if a challenge password exists and this argument is not included, login will not be performed.
-q <port>

Specifies the remote PED server port.

Default: 1503

-r <server_IP> Specifies the remote PED server IP.
-s <slot>

Specifies the slot ID number. Include either -l or -s to specify the desired partition.

Default: 0

-u Specifies that login should be performed as the Crypto User. If this argument is not included, the Crypto Officer will be logged in.
-v Show verbose logs.


salogin -o -s 1 -i 1:1 
# open a persistent application connection
# on slot 1 with app id 1:1


salogin -o -s 1 -i 1:1 -p HT7bHTHPRp/4/Cdb
# open a persistent application connection
# and login with Luna HSM challenge


salogin -c -s 1 -i 1:1 
# close persistent application connection 1:1
# on slot 1
Attempting to use salogin on an STC-enabled slot
lunacm:>slot list

Slot Id ->              0
Label ->                stc_ppso
Serial Number ->        1213429268189
Model ->                LunaSA
Firmware Version ->     7.0.1
Configuration ->        Luna User Partition With SO (PW) Signing With Cloning Mode
Slot Description ->     Net Token Slot

Current Slot Id: 0

Command Result : No Error

lunacm:>stc status

Enabled:            Yes
Status:             Connected
Channel ID:         3
Cipher Name:        AES 256 Bit with Cipher Block Chaining
HMAC Name:          HMAC with SHA 512 Bit

Command Result : No Error

lunacm:>stc identityshow

Client Identity Name:          mySTCclientID
Public Key SHA1 Hash:          58feec48e485762c39a8c32f94cf535bf545699e
List of Registered Partitions:

Partition Identity   Partition        Partition Public Key SHA1 Hash
Label                Serial Number

par1                 1213429268189    d4d4d65d281fd17580c56ddf09439c79c466a09a

Command Result : No Error

lunacm:>clientconfig listservers

Server ID  Server                         Channel  HTL Required

0                  STC      no

Command Result : No Error


# ./salogin -o -s 0 -i 1:1 -p userpin
CA_OpenApplicationID: failed to open application id. err 0x80000030
token not present or app id already open?

Other Options

For Java applications, consider using the KeyStore interface. It is internally consistent with the service provider interface defined by SUN/Oracle and does not require any proprietary code or applications.

NOTE   The Luna Keystore is not a physical file like a regular JKS. It is a virtual interface to the HSM and contains only handles for the private key objects.

If you are using an integration that does not refer to a KeyStore then the salogin utility might be required. You are then limited to working with one partition. The utility will work with any SafeNet HSM, as long as it is visible to the client at the time the library is initialized.