What Does 'Supported' Mean?

With the exception of some generic items that (for example) might need to be set in Windows when installing CSP, KSP, or Java, we do not include a list of integrations in the main product documentation.

Instead, you can check with the https://supportportal.gemalto.com website for third-party applications that have been integrated and tested with SafeNet Luna Network HSMs by our Integrations group. That group is constantly testing and updating third-party integrations and publishing notes and instructions to help you integrate our HSMs with your applications.

As a general rule, if a specific version of an application and a specific version of a SafeNet Luna Network HSM product are mentioned in an Integration document, then those items will definitely work together. A newer version of the SafeNet Luna Network HSM or its attendant software is most likely to work with the indicated application without problem. We take care, for several generations of a given HSM product, to not break working relationships, though eventually it might happen that very old versions of third-party software and systems can no longer be supported. One thing that can sometimes happen is that we update HSM firmware to include newer algorithms, and to exclude older algorithms or key sizes that no longer meet industry-accepted standards (like NIST, Common Criteria, etc.).

A newer version of a third-party software might, or might not work with SafeNet Luna Network HSMs that were tested to work with a specific earlier version of the same software. This is because some vendors make changes in their products that require new adaptation or at least new configuration instructions. If this happens to you, Thales Customer Support or Sales Engineering is usually happy to work with you to find a solution - both to support you as one of our customers and to have a revised/new integration that can be added to our portfolio.

Check the website or contact Thales Customer Support for the latest list of third-party applications that are tested and supported with SafeNet Luna Network HSMs.

Why Is an Integration Not Listed Here Or On the Website?

In many cases, third-party application vendors see a need to integrate their application with Gemalto SafeNet products. In those cases, the third-party company performs the integration and testing, and also provides the support for the integrated solution to their customers (including you). For integrations not listed by Thales, please contact the application vendor for current information.

Similarly some value-added resellers and custom/third-party integrators or consultants might have performed specific integrations of SafeNet Luna Network HSMs for the benefit of their specific customers. If you have purchased services or product from such a supplier, you will need to contact them for support of such integrations.

Third-party-tested integrations are not listed here or on the Thales website library of integration documents because we have not verified them in our own labs. If you contact Thales Support regarding use of our product with an application that we have not integrated, you will be asked to contact the third party that performed the integration.