Configuring and Enabling Traps on SafeNet Luna Network HSM

Use the following procedure to configure and enable traps on a SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance.

To configure and enable traps on SafeNet Luna Network HSM

1.Add an SNMP user to the system.

lunash:> sysconf snmp user add -secname <secname> -authpassword <password> -authprotocol <protocol> -privpassword <password> -privprotocol <protocol>

lunash:>sysconf snmp user add -secName pete -authPassword PASSWORD -authProtocol SHA -privPassword PASSWORD -privProtocol AES

2.Set SNMP trap parameters for the user created in the preceding step.

lunash:> sysconf snmp trap set -host <hostname/IP> -secname <secname> -engineid <engineID> -authprotocol <protocol> -authpwd <password> -privprotocol <protocol> -privpwd <password> [-traptype <type>]

lunash:>sysconf snmp trap set -h -secName pete -e 1234567890 -authpr SHA -authpw PASSWORD -privPr AES -privPw PASSWORD

3.Enable and disable SNMP traps.

lunash:> sysconf snmp trap enable

lunash:> sysconf snmp trap disable

4.Restart the system logging service.

lunash:> service restart syslog

5.Enable SNMP traps once again.

lunash:> sysconf snmp trap enable