
The system status daemon reports on the health of the SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance via syslog and the LCD on the front panel of the appliance.

Facility Keyword

Software Process

Log File




Expected Log Messages

The following log messages are normal and expected entries in the log files.

Service Started

2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user info  sysstatd: ------------ Luna System State Server - Started.

This message indicates that the system status daemon is running, normal for a SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance power up operation.

Service Stopped

2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user info  sysstatd: ------------ Luna System State Server - Stopped.

This message indicates that the system status daemon is stopped, normal for a SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance shutdown operation.

System Status

2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user info  sysstatd: Luna System State Server - OOS Errors: 15,100,60!
2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user info  sysstatd: Luna System State Server - OFL Errors: 50,15,20,100,55,60!
2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user info  sysstatd: Luna System State Server - InSrvTrb Errors: 1!

Messages formatted like these examples represent normal reporting of SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance health when it is not “in service.” The specific error codes indicate one or more potential problems with specific services of the SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance operation. For details of their meaning, refer to the description of the error codes in Front-panel LCD Display in the Appliance Administration Guide.

Up Time

2012 Feb 29 04:02:01 myLuna  syslog info  logger: uptime: 04:02:01 up 6:50, 2 users, load average: 0.38, 0.14, 0.04

This message indicates the uptime for the SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance. cron is responsible for the message on a daily basis, usually early in the morning. Note that the facility keyword and software process are not the same as those for the system status daemon but is included in this section given its relationship to status monitoring.

Unexpected Log Messages

Under normal circumstances, you should not see any of these log messages. If you do so, please contact Thales Group Technical Support to report the message and seek guidance on what to do next.

Cannot Open Files Needed to Identify Product

2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user err  sysstatd: Cannot open PRODUCT file.
2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user err  sysstatd: Cannot open VERSION file.
2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user err  sysstatd: Cannot open RELEASE file.

These messages indicate a missing or corrupted file necessary to identify the product on the LCD and/or via a LunaSH command. A PRODUCT:VERSION:RELEASE example is SA:5.3.0:5.

Cannot Set Signal Handler

2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user info  sysstatd: Cannot set sighandler for SIGTERM.
2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user info  sysstatd: Cannot set sighandler for SIGINT.

These messages indicate that the system status daemon was unable to set up signal handling for the SIGTERM and/or SIGINT signals.

Failed to Detach

2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user err  sysstatd: Failed to detach sysstatd from console.

This message indicates that the startup procedure for the system status daemon failed, specifically that the daemon did not launch into a background process.

Unknown Error

2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user info  sysstatd: unknown error while trying to obtain the system state.

This message indicates that the system status daemon was unable to determine health of the SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance and represents a logic error within how the daemon was instrumented.

Failed to Open Device

2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user info  sysstatd: Failed to open the LCD device.

This message indicates that the system status daemon was unable to open the TTY device that maps to the LCD on the front of the SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance.

Failed to Open or Read File

2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user info  sysstatd:  Did NOT find a system state error file here:/usr/lunasa/sysstat/statuserror.txt.
2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user info  sysstatd:  Did NOT find a system status file here: /usr/lunasa/sysstat/statusoutput.txt.
2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user info  sysstatd:  The SysStat service failed while reading the file: /usr/lunasa/sysstat/statusoutput.txt. It appears to be empty.
2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user info  sysstatd:  The SysStat service cannot determine the system state. Missing the status script: /usr/lunasa/sysstat/
2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user info  sysstatd:  The SysStat service failed while trying to open the file:/usr/lunasa/sysstat/ethip.txt.
2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user info  sysstatd:  The SysStat service failed while reading the file: /usr/lunasa/sysstat/ethip.txt. It appears to be empty.

These messages indicate a failure to find and/or open status files used by the system state daemon to determine the health of the SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance. statuserror.txt shows the error codes, status codes and explanations for the different health status items reported for the appliance. statusoutput.txt contains the current status of the appliance. is a shell script that creates the statusoutput.txt file by running several other scripts and utilities to collect the state of the appliance. ethip.txt contains the details of the Ethernet ports (whether configured, IP address, host name and link status).

Failed to Determine IP Address

2012 Feb 29 12:05:01 myLuna  user info  sysstatd:  The SysStat service failed while trying to obtain the ethernet IP addresses.

This message indicates that the script used to determine the IP address of the SafeNet Luna Network HSM appliance failed to execute successfully.