hsm changepw

Change the password or PED key contents for the HSM SO. Both the old and the new PED key are required for PED-authenticated HSMs.

User Privileges

Users with the following privileges can perform this command:



hsm changepw [-oldpw <password> -newpw <password>]




-newpw <password> -n

Specifies the new password that is used as the HSM SO's login credential to the HSM. If the new password is not provided on the command line, the you are interactively prompted for the new password, and for confirmation of the new password.

In LunaSH, the HSM SO password must be 7-255 characters in length. The following characters are allowed:

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 !@#$%^*()-_=+[]{}/:',.~

The following characters are invalid or problematic and must not be used in the HSM SO password: "&;<>\`|

Spaces are allowed; to specify a password with spaces using the -password option, enclose the password in double quotation marks.

-oldpw <password> -o Specifies the current password for the HSM SO. If the current password is not provided on the command line, the user is interactively prompted for the current password.


lunash:>hsm changepw

Please enter the HSM Administrators' current password:
> ********

Please enter a new password for the HSM Administrator:
> ********

Please re-enter password to confirm:
> ******** 'hsm changePw' successful. Command Result : 0 (Success)