About the Configuration Guide

This document provides step-by-step instructions for configuring your SafeNet Luna HSM hardware, before you begin using it with your application(s). The instructions are for a basic configuration. Additional configuration options are described in Optional Configuration Tasks.

To ensure a trouble-free configuration, perform the following steps in the order indicated:

1.Planning Your Configuration

2.Configure the SafeNet Luna Network HSM for Your Network

3.HSM Initialization

4.Set the HSM Policies

5.Create Application Partitions

6.Create a Network Trust Link Between the Client and the Appliance

7.Enable the Client to Access a Partition

8.Configure Application Partitions

9.Set Partition Policies

Also review Optional Configuration Tasks for more configuration options.

Also review Confirming the HSM's Authenticity to check that your client is connected to a genuine SafeNet HSM.

The preface includes the following information about this document:

>Customer Release Notes


>Document Conventions

>Support Contacts

For information regarding the document status and revision history, see Document Information.