slot list

List the available slots on the system.

Listing backup partitions

Depending on the type of backup HSM and its firmware version, the slot list command may list all of the backup partitions on the backup HSM, or may only list the backup HSM Admin partition:

>For Luna Backup HSM G5s running older firmware, the slot list command lists all of the backup partitions on any attached backup HSMs.

>For Luna Backup HSM 7s and for Luna Backup HSM G5s running newer firmware, the slot list command lists only the Admin partition (which contains the backup partitions) on any attached backup HSMs.

If slot list does not list the backup partitions, use slot set to set the current slot to the backup HSM Admin partition, and then use partition archive list to list the backup partitions contained in the Admin partition.


slot list


lunacm:> slot list
        Slot Id ->              3
        Label ->                example
        Serial Number ->        00000000
        Model ->                Cryptovisor7
        Firmware Version ->     7.1.3
        CV Firmware Version ->  1.1.0
        Configuration ->        Luna User Partition With SO (PED) Signing With Cloning Mode
        Slot Description ->     User Token Slot
        Current Slot ID:  3

Command Result : No Error