partition domaindelete

The partition domaindelete command deletes an existing domain from the current partition.

A partition is initialized with a domain, but without a domain label (default to comply with pre-firmware-7.8.0) ), or optionally with a domainlabel if one is specified .

In the domain label framework (Luna HSM Firmware 7.8.0 and newer with HSM Client 10.5.0 and newer):

>the original domain, assigned to the partition at initialization

can be renamed (or have a domain label added) with the partition domainchangelabel command,

cannot be deleted without deleting the partition, whether or not that original domain has a domain label

>a domain added to the partition without a domain label

can be deleted without need to specify a label,

>a domain added to the partition with a domain label (or with a label applied later by the partition domainchangelabel command)

can be deleted if that domain's label is provided in the partition domaindelete command, whether it is the only added domain or it is one of two added domains

If a domain is deleted, this implies that at least one remains; any object that was cloned in with a domain that is then deleted remains usable in the partition, and can be cloned to another HSM/partition that shares a domain still associated with this current partition.

NOTE   This extended domain management command requires minimum HSM Client 10.5.0 and Luna HSM Firmware 7.8.0 (command not visible for HSMs with prior firmware versions).

NOTE   Partition PO role login is required, to create or change a domain (after the first domain created by partition initialization).

Use of command requires partition policy 44 to be set to ON.


partition domaindelete [-domainlabel <string>] -force

Argument(s) Shortcut Description
-domainlabel <label> -d Partition domain label identifies the domain to be deleted from the partition.
-force -f Force the action with no prompts.


lunacm:>par dd

Domain #1 with label "4th".
Domain #2 with label "5th".

Enter the domain number to delete: 1

You are about to delete domain #1
Are you sure you wish to continue?

Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now ->proceed

Command Result : No Error