vtl replaceServer

Replaces the specified old server in the client's list of trusted HSM servers, with the specified new server.


vtl replaceServer -o <old_hostname/IP> -n <new_hostname/IP> -c <certificate_file>

Argument(s) Description
-c <certificate_file> The name and filepath of the HSM server's certificate file.
-n <new_hostname/IP>

The hostname or IP address of the server that is replacing the old server. Use the IP address if the server's certificate uses its IP address instead of its hostname. If you are uncertain what format the server's certificate uses, contact your Luna Network HSM appliance administrator or look for the “CN=” field in the output from vtl examineCert.

-o <old_hostname/IP> The hostname or IP address of the Luna Network HSM server being replaced. Use the IP address if the server's certificate uses its IP address instead of its hostname.


bash # ./vtl replaceServer -o yourluna -n myluna -c server.pem
New server myluna successfully added to server list.
Server yourluna successfully replaced with myluna.