vtl listSlots

Displays a list of all slots found.


vtl listSlots


>vtl listSlots
Number of slots: 3
The following slots were found:

Slot#   Description          Label                      Serial#         Status
======  ===============      ===================        ========        ===========
     0  Net Token Slot       kbPSO                      1311583664227   Present
     1  User Token Slot      mypciepsopar               349297122736    Present
     2  Admin Token Slot     mypcie6                    150022          Present
     3  Net Token Slot       dpod-service               12345678        Present
     4  Luna UHD Slot        myUSBpw                    7001312         Present
     5  Luna UHD Slot        -                          -               Not present
     6  Net Admin Token Slot myRBSG5Bk                  7000329         Present

NOTE   In the example list above:

>slot 0 represents a network-linked application partition on a Luna Network HSM

>slot 1 is the application partition on a Luna PCIe HSM

>slot 2 is the HSM administrative partition of the same Luna PCIe HSM

>slot 3 is a Luna Cloud HSM Service available through Data Protection on Demand.

>slot 4 is a Luna USB HSM 7

>slot 5 is a placeholder slot for an HSM that could be attached to a USB port

>slot 6 is the HSM administrative partition of a Luna Backup HSM that is connected to this client via Remote Backup Service

You won't necessarily see all, or even most of those in your situation, with your equipment; the list in the example merely shows how different types are presented. Luna PCIe HSM and Luna Cloud HSM service slots can display with this command, but can only be managed through LunaCM.