vtl addCA

Add a Certificate Authority root chain certificate to the client's trust store. This will allow the client to connect to partitions on a Luna Network HSM whose certificate is signed by the same CA.

You must be Administrator on your Client computer, or logged in as a user with Administrator privileges.

NOTE   This feature requires minimum HSM Client 10.1.0.


vtl addCA -n <CA_name> -c <cert_filepath/name>

Argument(s) Description
-n <IP/hostname> Name used to identify the Certificate Authority.
-c <cert_filepath/name> The name (including the path to its location on your computer) of the CA's certificate file.


>vtl addCA -n CAroot -c "C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient\CAroot.pem"
vtl (64-bit) v10.1.0. Copyright (c) 2019 SafeNet. All rights reserved.

New server CAroot successfully added to server list.