multitoken is a simple demonstration tool that allows you to perform basic cryptographic functions on a Luna HSM. It allows you to specify an operation, and one or more “slots” or HSM Partitions on which to perform that operation. The multitoken utility runs the operations and returns a summary of the results.
NOTE This is a general-purpose tool intended for use across Luna HSM versions. It might reference mechanisms and features that are not available on all Luna products.
Accessing multitoken
The multitoken utility is accessed via the command line.
To access the multitoken utility
1.Open a console window.
2.Go to the HSM Client installation folder/directory:
Windows | C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient |
Linux/Unix | /usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin |
Client downloaded from Data Protection on Demand | <client_unzip_location> |
3.Launch the multitoken utility:
multitoken -mode <mode> {-slots <slot_list> | -nslots <slot_threads>} [options...]
Argument(s) | Shortcut | Description |
-alarm <secs> | -al | Sound periodic alarm (every <secs> seconds) if error occurs. |
-applytochild | -atc | Apply the PerKeyAuth settings to any child keys that are created (ie. derived or unwrapped as part of the test). [for PKA] |
-assigned | -as | Generate keys as assigned (CKA_ASSIGNED=1). [for PKA] |
-blob <blob_count> | -b | Number of data blobs to be signed during each multisign operation. |
-curve <curve_num> | -crv | ID number of ECC curve. If user-defined (99), then must specify -parmfile. |
-delayop <secs> | -do | Delay the operation performed by each thread by the specified number of seconds. Value must be larger than "0". |
-destroyafter | -da | Destroys created objects on the HSM only after test completes. |
-destroyafterbulk | -dab | Destroys created objects on the HSM only after test completes using DestroyMultipleObjects. |
-eciesdata <filename> | -ecd |
ECIES SHIM mode: Specifies the file that contains the plaintext data to use. Non-SHIM ECIES mode: Specifies the file to receive the plaintext data used. See Notes for details on using SHIM and non-SHIM ECIES modes. |
-eciesenc <filename> | -ece |
ECIES SHIM mode: Specifies the file that contains the encrypted data. Non-SHIM ECIES mode: Specifies the file to receive the encrypted data. See Notes for details on using SHIM and non-SHIM ECIES modes. |
-ecieskey <filename> | -eck |
ECIES SHIM mode: Specifies the file that contains the DER-encoded private key. Non-SHIM ECIES mode: Specifies the file to receive the DER-encoded private key. See Notes for details on using SHIM and non-SHIM ECIES modes. |
-eciesscheme | -esch | Encryption scheme to use for ECIES AES modes: 0 = AES_CBC_PAD (default), 1 = AES_CTR. |
-enddate <YYYYMMDD> | -end | Validity end date for key, in YYYYMMDD format. |
-force | -f | Avoid prompts for responses. |
-gcmaad <bytes> | -gad | Specify the length of the AAD data used for GCM/GMAC. The AAD data can not be larger than 1024 bytes. |
-gcmiv <bits> | -giv |
Specify the length of the IV (in bits) to be used for GCM/GMAC. Valid values: 0,96,128 |
-haaidhigh <value> | -hah |
Specify the AppID High value. |
-haaidlow <value> | -hal |
Specify the AppID Low value. |
-haaidoffset <value> | -hao |
Specify the AppID Low value increment for each thread. |
-haslot <value> | -has |
Specify the slot id for the secondary. |
-halogout <value> | -hat |
Specify that the session should be logged out. |
-haclosesess | -hac |
Specify that the session should be closed. |
-hacloseappid <value> | -haa |
Specify the AppID that should be closed. |
-help | -h | Display help information only. |
-kdfchoice <kdf_index> | -kdf | Select key derivation function - specify choice list index. |
-kdfscnt <counter_index> | -kds | Select key derivation session counter type - specify choice list index. |
-kekreplace | -kre | Specifies that a KEK replacement should be requested after the specified number of iterations. This option only works with DES3/AES ECB/CBC tests. It will be ignored for all other test modes. |
-key <key_size> | -k | Size of key: asymmetric in bits (default = 1024 for RSA, 2048 for DSA). Symmetric in bytes (i.e. 16, 24, 32 for AES/ARIA). |
-keyauthtype <key_index> | -kat | Specify the type Per Key Authorization test to performed.
[for PKA] 1 = Authorize the key once and use it many times 2 = Authorize the key once, use it once, rescind the key |
-keyauthdata <data> | -kad | Specify the authorization data to use for the key. [for PKA] |
-keychoice <key_index> | -kc | Select key type to derive/generate - specify choice list index. |
-keyderiv <keysize> | -kde | Size of key to derive with (ex. 1024 for X9.42 Diffie Hellman). |
-kwicv | -kiv | Use external ICV for the key wrap mechanism. |
-limitedco | -lco | Login as the Limited Crypto Officer (default is Crypto Officer). |
-logfile <filename> | -l | File for results logging. |
-mode <mode> | -m | Operating mode. See mode values available below. |
-multipartsig | -msig | Use multipart signatures. |
-nodec | -nod | Decryption operation will not be performed. Only symmetric and asymmetric encryption will be performed and measured. |
-nodestroy | -n | Leaves created objects on the HSM after test completes. |
-noenc | -noe | Encryption operation will not be performed. Only symmetric and asymmetric decryption will be performed and measured. |
-nosign | -nos | Sign operation will not be performed. Only verify will be performed and measured. |
-nounwrap | -nou | Unwrapping operation will not be performed. Only wrapping will be performed and measured. |
-noverify | -nov | Verify operation will not be performed. Only sign will be performed and measured. |
-noverifyr | -nvr | Do not verify decryption results. |
-nowrap | -now | Perform only one wrapping operation. Only unwrapping will be performed and measured. |
-nslots <slot_threads> | -ns |
Create multiple threads on the same slot(s). Specify <slot>x<number of threads>, with multiple slots separated by commas. The example below creates 5 threads on slot 1 and 20 threads on slot 2: Example: -nslots 1x5,2x20 You must specify either this option or -slots. See -slots <slots>. |
-objcount <objnum> | -obj | Interpretation of this parameter depends on test mode. If this is a find objects test, it specifies the number of objects to create. If this parameter is unspecified, a default of 1000 is used. For symgen operations, this specifies the total number of objects to create. If this parameter is unspecified, a default of 0 is used, which means 'unlimited'. For rsakeygen operations, this specifies the total number of key pairs to create. Again, if this parameter is unspecified, a default of 0 is used, which means 'unlimited'. |
-objtype | -objt | Type of object to create for object creation/deletion test (mode objectcreation). 0 = data object (default), OR public key: 1=DSA, 2=RSA, 3=EC Montgomery, 4=EC Edwards, 5=ECDSA |
-outputlen <length-in-bytes> | -ol | Size of output length in bytes for SHAKE. |
-packet <packet_size> | -p | Size of packet used in operation. |
-parmfile <param_file> | -prm | File for EC curve parameters or OAEP source data (0 = none for OAEP). |
-password <password> | -pwd | Specify password to use for token. |
-pbkd2prf | Specify the type of PRF to use for PBKD2-based key derivation. | |
-prftype <type> | -prf | Specify the type of PRF to use for PRF based key derivation. |
-scroll | -scr | Scroll the output instead of overwriting it each time. |
-session | -ses | Use session objects instead of token objects. |
-sharefile <filename> | -shf | Shared data file used for operation. |
-silent | -sil | Disables system "beep" that is generated when a error occurs. |
-simblobuse | -sbu | Specify operation to use keys from SIM blobs. |
-slots <slots> | -s |
List of slots to use (slot numbers separated by commas). List the same slot multiple times to create multiple threads on that slot. The example below creates 2 threads on slot 1 and 3 threads on slot 2: Example: -slots 1,1,2,2,2 To create many threads on the same slot, use -nslots instead. See -nslots <slot_threads>. |
-startdate <YYYYMMDD> | -sta | Validity start date for key in format <YYYYMMDD>. |
-subprime <size> | -sub | Size of the subprime in bits. |
-sym_c_u_d <value> | -scud | For each test loop, create the key(s), use the key(s) and then delete the key(s). Only supported for symmetric enc/dec/sig/verifywhen -nosign, -noverify, -noenc and -nodec are NOT used. This argument takes a value that indicates how many times the key(s) should be used before it is deleted and a new key(s) is created. This value must be 1 or larger. |
-symm <mechanism> | -sym | Select symmetric key mechanism for symderive/pbegen or key choice for symgen (can also use -keychoice). |
-template | -tp | Attaches a generic unwrap template or derive template for the wrapunwrap or symderive mode respectively. |
-timed <secs> | -t | Fixed amount of time to run (seconds). |
-usage <uses> | -u | Number of times a key is allowed to be used. |
-verbose | -v | Show all thread performances. Default is only first and last threads. |
-wkeysize | -wkz | Size of RSA private key to be wrapped for aeskwp wrap/unwrap test. |
-wkeytype | -wk | Type of key to be wrapped for key wrap/unwrap test using aeskwp. (mode aeswrapkwp/aeswrapgcm). 0 = DES3 (default), 1 = RSA private key |
Operating Modes
The following table lists the available operating modes for the multitoken utility. The operating mode is specified using the -mode parameter.
Mode | Description |
aescmac | AES CMAC sign |
aesenc | AES ECB encrypt |
aesenccbc | AES CBC encrypt |
aesenccfb8 | AES CFB8 encrypt |
aesenccfb128 | AES CFB128 encrypt |
aesencctr | AES CTR encrypt |
aesencgcm | AES GCM encrypt |
aesenckw | AES KW encrypt |
aesenckwp | AES KWP encrypt |
aesencofb | AES OFB encrypt |
aesgmac | AES GMAC sign |
aesmac | AES MAC sign |
aeswrapkw | AES KW wrap |
aeswrapkwp | AES KWP wrap |
aesxts | AES XTS encrypt |
ariacmac | ARIA CMAC sign |
ariaenc | ARIA ECB encrypt |
ariaenccbc | ARIA CBC encrypt |
ariaenccfb8 | ARIA CFB8 encrypt |
ariaenccfb128 | ARIA CFB128 encrypt |
ariaencctr | ARIA CTR encrypt |
ariaencofb | ARIA OFB encrypt |
ariamac | ARIA MAC sign |
bip32childkeyderive | BIP32 Child Key (Normal) Derivation |
bip32childkeyhardenedderive | BIP32 Child Key (Hardened) Derivation |
bip32childkeypublicderive | BIP32 Child Key (public to public) Derivation |
bip32gbcssha256sigver | SHA256 BIP32-GBCS sign |
bip32masterkeyderive | BIP32 Master Key Derivation |
bip32sha1sigver | SHA1 BIP32 sign |
bip32sha224sigver | SHA224 BIP32 sign |
bip32sha256sigver | SHA256 BIP32 sign |
bip32sha384sigver | SHA384 BIP32 sign |
bip32sha512sigver | SHA512 BIP32 sign |
bip32sigver | BIP32 sign |
des3enccfb8 | DES3 CFB8 encrypt |
des3enccfb64 | DES3 CFB64 encrypt |
des3encctr | DES3 CTR encrypt |
des3encofb | DES3 OFB encrypt |
descmac | DES3 CMAC sign |
desenc | DES3 ECB encrypt |
desenccbc | DES3 CBC encrypt |
desmac | DES3 MAC sign |
desx919mac | DES3 X919 MAC sign |
dhparamsgen | DH Domain Parameter Generation |
dsakeygen | DSA Key Generation |
dsaparamsgen | DSA Domain Parameter Generation |
dsasigver | DSA bare sign |
dukptderive | DUKPT key derivation |
ecdhcderive | ECDH Cofactor derive key |
ecdhderive | ECDH derive key |
ecdhderivewrapnew | ECDH derive and wrap new |
ecdhderivewrapold | ECDH derive and wrap old |
ecdsagbcssha256sigver | SHA256 ECDSA-GBCS sign |
ecdsakeygen | ECDSA Key Generation |
ecdsakeygenwextrabits | ECDSA Key Gen with Extra Bits |
ecdsasha1sigver | SHA1 ECDSA sign |
ecdsasha224sigver | SHA224 ECDSA sign |
ecdsasha256sigver | SHA256 ECDSA sign |
ecdsasha384sigver | SHA384 ECDSA sign |
ecdsasha512sigver | SHA512 ECDSA sign |
ecdsasha3-224sigver | SHA3-224 ECDSA sign |
ecdsasha3-256sigver | SHA3-256 ECDSA sign |
ecdsasha3-384sigver | SHA3-384 ECDSA sign |
ecdsasha3-512sigver | SHA3-512 ECDSA sign |
ecdsasigver | ECDSA sign |
ecedwardskeygen | EC Edwards Key Generation |
eciesaes128hmacsha256 | ECIES AES-128 enc/dec with HMAC SHA256 |
eciesaes128hmacsha256shared | ECIES AES-128 enc/dec with HMAC SHA256 and shared data |
eciesaes192hmacsha384 | ECIES AES-192 enc/dec with HMAC SHA384 |
eciesaes192hmacsha384shared | ECIES AES-192 enc/dec with HMAC SHA384 and shared data |
eciesaes256hmacsha512 | ECIES AES-256 enc/dec with HMAC SHA512 |
eciesaes256hmacsha512shared | ECIES AES-256 enc/dec with HMAC SHA512 and shared data |
eciesdes3hmacsha224 | ECIES DES3 enc/dec with HMAC SHA224 |
eciesdes3hmacsha224shared | ECIES DES3 enc/dec with HMAC SHA224 and shared data |
eciesshimaes128hmacsha256 | ECIES AES-128 with HMAC SHA256 decrypt |
eciesshimaes128hmacsha256shared | ECIES AES-128 with HMAC SHA256 and shared data decrypt |
eciesshimaes192hmacsha384 | ECIES AES-192 with HMAC SHA384 decrypt |
eciesshimaes192hmacsha384shared | ECIES AES-192 with HMAC SHA384 and shared data decrypt |
eciesshimaes256hmacsha512 | ECIES AES-256 with HMAC SHA512 decrypt |
eciesshimaes256hmacsha512shared | ECIES AES-256 with HMAC SHA512 and shared data decrypt |
eciesshimdes3hmacsha224 | ECIES DES3 with HMAC SHA224 decrypt |
eciesshimdes3hmacsha224shared | ECIES DES3 with HMAC SHA224 and shared data decrypt |
eciesshimxorhmacsha1 | ECIES XOR with HMAC SHA1 decrypt |
eciesshimxorhmacsha1shared | ECIES XOR with HMAC SHA1 and shared data decrypt |
eciesxorhmacsha1 | ECIES XOR enc/dec with HMAC SHA1 |
eciesxorhmacsha1shared | ECIES XOR enc/dec with HMAC SHA1 and shared data |
ecmontkeygen | EC Montgomery Key Generation |
eddsanaclsha1sigver | SHA1 EDDSA NaCl sign |
eddsanaclsha224sigver | SHA224 EDDSA NaCl sign |
eddsanaclsha256sigver | SHA256 EDDSA NaCl sign |
eddsanaclsha384sigver | SHA384 EDDSA NaCl sign |
eddsanaclsha512sigver | SHA512 EDDSA NaCl sign |
eddsanaclsigver | EDDSA NaCl sign |
eddsasha1sigver | SHA1 EDDSA sign |
eddsasha224sigver | SHA224 EDDSA sign |
eddsasha256sigver | SHA256 EDDSA sign |
eddsasha384sigver | SHA384 EDDSA sign |
eddsasha512sigver | SHA512 EDDSA sign |
eddsaphsigver | EDDSA PH sign |
eddsasigver | EDDSA sign |
extractinsert | Extract Insert masked objects |
findobject | Find objects |
haLogin | HA Login |
kcdsakeygen | KCDSA Key Generation |
kcdsasha1sigver | SHA51 KCDSA sign |
kcdsasha1sigvernopad | SHA1 KCDSA NO-PAD sign |
kcdsasha224sigver | SHA224 KCDSA sign |
kcdsasha224sigvernopad | SHA224 KCDSA NO-PAD sign |
kcdsasha256sigver | SHA256 KCDSA sign |
kcdsasha256sigvernopad | SHA256 KCDSA NO-PAD sign |
kcdsasha384sigver | SHA384 KCDSA sign |
kcdsasha384sigvernopad | SHA384 KCDSA NO-PAD sign |
kcdsasha512sigver | SHA512 KCDSA sign |
kcdsasha512sigvernopad | SHA512 KCDSA NO-PAD sign |
kcdsasigver | HAS160 KCDSA 1024-bit sign |
kcdsasigvernopad | HAS160 KCDSA NO-PAD 1024-bit sign |
keccak-224 | KECCAK-224 Hashing |
keccak-256 | KECCAK-256 Hashing |
keccak-384 | KECCAK-384 Hashing |
keccak-512 | KECCAK-512 Hashing |
md5 | MD5 Hashing |
milenage | 3GPP Milenage AUTN |
multisignvalue | Multisign w/ masked key NOTE: not used; deprecated. |
ntlsEcho | Test NTLS/SSL Throughput |
objectcreation | Create/delete object |
openclosesession | Open/close session |
pbegen | PBE key generation |
randgen | Random number generation |
rc4enc | RC4 encrypt |
rsa1863auxprimekeygen | RSA FIPS 186-3 using Auxiliary Primes key generation |
rsa1863primekeygen | RSA FIPS 186-3 using Primes key generation |
rsaenc | RSA encrypt |
rsakeygen | RSA key generation |
rsaoaepenc | RSA OAEP encrypt |
rsapkcsenc | RSA PKCS encrypt / decrypt |
rsasigver | RSA sign |
rsax931keygen | RSA X9.31 key generation |
rsax931sigver | X9.31 RSA sign |
seedcmac | SEED CMAC sign |
seedenc | SEED ECB encrypt |
seedenccbc | SEED CBC encrypt |
seedencctr | SEED CTR encrypt |
seedmac | SEED MAC sign |
sha1 | SHA-1 Hashing |
sha1dsasigver | SHA1 DSA sign |
sha1hmac | SHA1 HMAC sign |
sha1rsapsssigver | SHA1 RSA PSS sign |
sha1rsasigver | SHA1 with RSA sign |
sha1rsax931sigver | SHA1 X9.31 RSA sign |
sha224 | SHA-224 Hashing |
sha224dsasigver | SHA224 DSA sign |
sha224hmac | SHA224 HMAC sign |
sha224rsaoaepenc | SHA224 RSA OAEP encrypt |
sha224rsapsssigver | SHA224 RSA PSS sign |
sha224rsasigver | SHA224 with RSA sign |
sha224rsax931sigver | SHA224 X9.31 RSA sign |
sha256 | SHA-256 Hashing |
sha256dsasigver | SHA256 DSA sign |
sha256hmac | SHA256 HMAC sign |
sha256rsaoaepenc | SHA256 RSA OAEP encrypt |
sha256rsapsssigver | SHA256 RSA PSS sign |
sha256rsasigver | SHA256 with RSA sign |
sha256rsax931sigver | SHA256 X9.31 RSA sign |
sha384 | SHA-384 Hashing |
sha384hmac | SHA384 HMAC sign |
sha384rsaoaepenc | SHA384 RSA OAEP encrypt |
sha384rsapsssigver | SHA384 RSA PSS sign |
sha384rsasigver | SHA384 with RSA sign |
sha384rsax931sigver | SHA384 X9.31 RSA sign |
sha512 | SHA-512 Hashing |
sha512hmac | SHA512 HMAC sign |
sha512rsaoaepenc | SHA512 RSA OAEP encrypt |
sha512rsapsssigver | SHA512 RSA PSS sign |
sha512rsasigver | SHA512 with RSA sign |
sha512rsax931sigver | SHA512 X9.31 RSA sign |
shake-128 | SHAKE-128 Hashing |
shake-256 | SHAKE-256 Hashing |
sim3extractinsert | SIM3 Extract Insert masked objects |
simextractinsert | SIMExtract Insert masked objects |
simmultisign | SIMMultisign w/ masked key |
sm2dsasha1sigver | SHA1 SM2DSA sign |
sm2dsasha224sigver | SHA224 SM2DSA sign |
sm2dsasha256sigver | SHA256 SM2DSA sign |
sm2dsasha384sigver | SHA384 SM2DSA sign |
sm2dsasha512sigver | SHA512 SM2DSA sign |
sm2dsasigver | SM2DSA sign |
sm2dsasm3sigver | SM3 SM2DSA sign |
sm3 | SM3 Hashing |
sm3hmac | SM3 HMAC sign |
sm4enc | SM4 ECB encrypt |
sm4enccbc | SM4 CBC encrypt |
sm4enccbcpad | SM4 CBC PAD encrypt |
symderive | Symmetric key derivation |
symgen | Symmetric key generation |
tuak | 3GPP Tuak AUTN |
wrapunwrap | Wrap/unwrap operations |
x942dhderive | X9.42 DH Derive |
x942dhhybridderive | X9.42 DH Hybrid Derive |
x942dhkeygen | X9.42 DH Key Pair Generation |
x942dhparamsgen | X9.42 DH Domain Parameter Generation |
1.If you are performing RSA operations, you have the option of specifying a key size (512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192). If no key size is specified, the default key size of 2048 will be used. For example:
multitoken -mode rsasigver -key 512 -slots 1
2.If you are performing wrapunwrap operation, it will perform the following operations:
•Generate RSA key pair and a symmetric DES key.
•Wrap DES key with RSA public key.
•Unwrap wrapped key above with RSA private key.
• Verify the unwrapped key.
3.If you are performing a Multisign operation, you have the option of specifying a key size (512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192). If no key size is specified, the default key size of 1024 is used. For example:
multitoken m simmultisign -ns 6x20 -pwd myuserpin2 -f
4.When using simmultisign with Luna HSM Firmware 7.7.0 or newer, the indicated blob must contain no more than one key/key pair that is suitable for the requested signature mechanism, otherwise an error is returned.
5.A thread is spawned to perform tests on each slot specified. A slot can be specified multiple times, in which
case multiple threads will be created for the slot.
6.For modes :
•sha256rsasigver - SHA256 with RSA
•sha384rsasigver - SHA384 with RSA
•sha512rsasigver - SHA512 with RSA
If you specify a keysize on the command line (-key, any of 1024, 2048 or 4096), a file called "1024" or "2048" or "4096" is created - that is the keysize parameter is parsed as a filename to which results are saved.
7.There are two types of ECIES modes, regular modes and SHIM modes. The non-SHIM modes perform normal ECIES encryption, decryption, or both. The ECIES SHIM modes (ECIES modes with the word "shim" in them) are designed to test the ECIES SHIM implementation. The ECIES SHIM only supports decryption operations, so it requires all input (private key, encrypted data and plaintext) to be specified as input files using the parameters -ecieskey, -eciesenc and -eciesenc. The input files can be created by running the non-SHIM modes, and specifying the parameters -ecieskey, -eciesdata and -eciesenc, which are optional for the non-SHIM modes.
For non-SHIM ECIES modes:
•-ecieskey -- Specifies the file to receive the DER-encoded private key.
•-eciesdata -- Specifies the file to receive the plaintext data used.
•-eciesece -- Specifies the file to receive the encrypted data.
For ECIES SHIM modes:
•-ecieskey -- Specifies the file that contains the DER-encoded private key.
•-eciesdata -- Specifies the file that contains the plaintext data to use.
•-eciesece -- Specifies the file that contains the encrypted data.
Named and User-defined Curves
The Luna HSMs employ named and user-defined curves. Multitoken supports this option, as illustrated in the following example:
C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient>multitoken -mode ecdsasigver -s 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Prime field curves: [0]secp112r1 [1]secp112r2 [2]secp128r1 [3]secp128r2 [4]secp160k1 [5]secp160r1 [6]secp160r2 [7]secp192k1 [8]secp224k1 [9]secp224r1 [10]secp256k1 [11]secp384r1(P-384) [12]secp521r1(P-521) [13]X9_62_prime192v1 [14]X9_62_prime192v2 [15]X9_62_prime192v3 [16]X9_62_prime239v1 [17]X9_62_prime239v2 [18]X9_62_prime239v3 [19]X9_62_prime256v1(P-256) Characteristic two field curves: [20]sect113r1 [21]sect113r2 [22]sect131r1 [23]sect131r2 [24]sect163k1 [25]sect163r1 [26]sect163r2 [27]sect193r1 [28]sect193r2 [29]sect233k1 [30]sect233r1 [31]sect239k1 [32]sect283k1 [33]sect283r1 [34]sect409k1 [35]sect409r1 [36]sect571k1 [37]sect571r1 [38]X9_62_c2pnb163v1 [39]X9_62_c2pnb163v2 [40]X9_62_c2pnb163v3 [41]X9_62_c2pnb176v1 [42]X9_62_c2tnb191v1 [43]X9_62_c2tnb191v2 [44]X9_62_c2tnb191v3 [45]X9_62_c2pnb208w1 [46]X9_62_c2tnb239v1 [47]X9_62_c2tnb239v2 [48]X9_62_c2tnb239v3 [49]X9_62_c2pnb272w1 [50]X9_62_c2pnb304w1 [51]X9_62_c2tnb359v1 [52]X9_62_c2pnb368w1 [53]X9_62_c2tnb431r1 [54]Brainpool_P160r1 [55]Brainpool_P160t1 [56]Brainpool_P192r1 [57]Brainpool_P192t1 [58]Brainpool_P224r1 [59]Brainpool_P224t1 [60]Brainpool_P256r1 [61]Brainpool_P256t1 [62]Brainpool_P320r1 [63]Brainpool_P320t1 [64]Brainpool_P384r1 [65]Brainpool_P384t1 [66]Brainpool_P512r1 [67]Brainpool_P512t1 User Defined curves: [68]Microsoft PlayReady P-160 Please pick a curve (0-67) or enter (99) for a user defined curve:99 Please enter the filename for the EC parameters:
Here, you would provide the filepath to the file specifying the Elliptical Curve parameters. The format and content of the parameter file follow industry standards, and are discussed in more detail in Named Curves and User-Defined Parameters.
SKS and Per Key Auth
PerKeyAuth and/or SKS
For example
Per Key Authorization:
The "-keyauthdata" option can be used to specify authorization data (that is CKA_AUTH_DATA) that should be applied to any key(s) created to support the test.
For example, in an ECDH test, authorization data will be applied to the ECDH keys. The "-keyauthtype" can be used to specify how the authorization data is to be used.
Two main ways to use are;
>authorize the key(s) once, and use it many times and then rescind authorization, and
>authorize the key before each use and rescind authorization after each use.
For example, in an ECDH test,
>the private key can be authorized once and used for the duration of the test,
>the private key can be authorized before each ECDH operation and authorization is rescinded after each operation.
For tests that use an initial set of keys and create child keys (that is, derivation or wrap/unwrap tests), "applytochild" can be used specify that the Per Key Authorization settings should also be applied to the child key(s).
For key generation test, "-keyauthdata" can be specified as the generated keys are not used. The key authorization data will be applied to the generated key.
Per Key Authorization functionality can be used only on User Partitions and only by the Crypto-Officer role.
Scalable Key Storage (SKS)
Options used for -simblobuse
SIM insertion and keys deletion test:
1.Specify both -nodec & -noenc or both -nosign and -noverify
2.Specify any crypto mode (e.g. any encrypt/decrypt or sign/verify mode)
SIM insertion, Per Key Authorization, keys deletion test:
1.Specify both -nodec & -noenc or both -nosign and -noverify
2.Specify any crypto mode (e.g. any encrypt/decrypt or sign/verify mode)
Specify Per Key Authorization options.
SIM insertion, Per Key Authorization, crypto (enc/dec or sign/verify), keys deletion test:
1.Specify any crypto mode (e.g. any encrypt/decrypt or sign/verify mode)
2.Specify Per Key Authorization options.
Example with LCO role
[me@localhost bin]# ./multitoken m simextractinsert -ns 6x20 -lco -pwd myuserpin2 -f multitoken (64-bit) v8.0.0-161. Copyright (c) 2019 SafeNet. All rights reserved. Warning: Key size not specified. Using default key size of 1024. Initializing library...Finished Initializing ...done. Do you wish to continue? Enter 'y' or 'n': Constructing thread objects. Logging in to tokens... slot 6... Serial Number 1334093726636 Please wait, creating test threads. Test threads created successfully. Press ENTER to terminate testing. SIMExtract Insert masked objects: Using token objects. Logged in as Limited Crypto Officer. + xfers/sec | elapsed 6, 0 6, 19 | total average | time (secs) | /sec | /sec ------ ------ | ------- ---------- | ------------ | ---------- | ---------- 10.0 10.0 | 206.4 211.923* | 350 | 0.0 | 0.0 Waiting for threads to terminate. [me@localhost bin]# ./multitoken m simmultisign -ns 6x20 -lco -pwd myuserpin2 -f multitoken (64-bit) v8.0.0-161. Copyright (c) 2019 SafeNet. All rights reserved. Warning: Blob count not specified. Using default key size of 1. Initializing library...Finished Initializing ...done. Do you wish to continue? Enter 'y' or 'n': Constructing thread objects. Logging in to tokens... slot 6... Serial Number 1334093726636 Please wait, creating test threads. Test threads created successfully. Press ENTER to terminate testing. SIMMultisign w/ masked key : (packet size = 16 bytes) Using token objects. Logged in as Limited Crypto Officer. + signatures/second | elapsed 6, 0 6, 19 | total average | time (secs) | /sec | /sec ------ ------ | ------- ---------- | ------------ | ---------- | ---------- 92.8 92.0 | 1844.9 1843.808* | 145 | 0.0 | 0.0 Waiting for threads to terminate. [me@localhost bin]#