/* Pick up THEME_DIR as parameter passed in */ var THEME_DIR = $('[data-themedir]').first().attr('data-themedir'); (function ($) { var queryParser = function (a) { var i, p, b = {}; if (a === "") { return {}; } for (i = 0; i < a.length; i += 1) { p = a[i].split('='); if (p.length === 2) { b[p[0]] = decodeURIComponent(p[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); } } return b; }; $.queryParams = function () { return queryParser(window.location.search.substr(1).split('&')); }; $.hashParams = function () { return queryParser(window.location.hash.substr(1).split('&')); }; window.Swiftype = window.Swiftype || {}; Swiftype.root_url = Swiftype.root_url || 'https://api.swiftype.com'; Swiftype.pingUrl = function(endpoint, callback) { var to = setTimeout(callback, 350); var img = new Image(); img.onload = img.onerror = function() { clearTimeout(to); callback(); }; img.src = endpoint; return false; }; Swiftype.pingSearchResultClick = function (engineKey, docId, callback) { var params = { t: new Date().getTime(), engine_key: engineKey, doc_id: docId, q: Swiftype.currentQuery }; var url = Swiftype.root_url + '/api/v1/public/analytics/pc?' + $.param(params); Swiftype.pingUrl(url, callback); }; $.fn.swiftypeSearch = function (options) { var options = $.extend({}, $.fn.swiftypeSearch.defaults, options); return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var config = $.meta ? $.extend({}, options, $this.data()) : options; $this.data('swiftype-config-search', config); $this.selectedCallback = function (data) { return function (e) { var $el = $(this); e.preventDefault(); Swiftype.pingSearchResultClick(config.engineKey, data['id'], function() { config.onComplete($el); }); }; }; $this.registerResult = function ($element, data) { $element.data('swiftype-item', data); $('a', $element).click($this.selectedCallback(data)); }; $this.getContentCache = function () { return $('#' + contentCacheId); }; var $resultContainer = $(config.resultContainingElement), initialContentOfResultContainer = $resultContainer.html(), contentCacheId = 'st-content-cache', $contentCache = $this.getContentCache(); var setSearchHash = function (query, page) { location.hash = "stq=" + encodeURIComponent(query) + "&stp=" + page; }; var submitSearch = function (query, options) { options = $.extend({ page: 1 }, options); var params = {}; if (!$contentCache.length) { $resultContainer.after(""); $contentCache.html(initialContentOfResultContainer).hide(); } config.loadingFunction(query, $resultContainer); Swiftype.currentQuery = query; params['q'] = query; params['engine_key'] = config.engineKey; params['page'] = options.page; function handleFunctionParam(field) { if (field !== undefined) { var evald = field; if (typeof evald === 'function') { evald = evald.call(); } return evald; } return undefined; } params['per_page'] = handleFunctionParam(config.perPage); params['search_fields'] = handleFunctionParam(config.searchFields); params['fetch_fields'] = handleFunctionParam(config.fetchFields); params['facets'] = handleFunctionParam(config.facets); params['filters'] = handleFunctionParam(config.filters); params['document_types'] = handleFunctionParam(config.documentTypes); params['functional_boosts'] = handleFunctionParam(config.functionalBoosts); params['sort_field'] = handleFunctionParam(config.sortField); params['sort_direction'] = handleFunctionParam(config.sortDirection); params['spelling'] = handleFunctionParam(config.spelling); params['highlight_fields'] = handleFunctionParam(config.highlightFields); $.ajax({ dataType: "json", url: Swiftype.root_url + "/api/v1/public/engines/search.json?callback=?", data: params, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, success: renderSearchResults }); }; function handleHashchange () { var params = $.hashParams(); if (params.stq) { submitSearch(params.stq, { page: params.stp }); } else { var $contentCache = $this.getContentCache(); if ($contentCache.length) { $resultContainer.html($contentCache.html()); $contentCache.remove(); } } } // Expose this globally for users to force a refresh of search results. Swiftype.reloadResults = handleHashchange; $(window).on("hashchange", handleHashchange); var $containingForm = $this.parents('form'); if ($containingForm) { $containingForm.bind('submit', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var searchQuery = $this.val(); setSearchHash(searchQuery, 1); }); } $('form.form-search').on('submit', function() { var query = $('.st-search-input', this).val().trim(); if (!query) { return; } var hash = '#stq=' + encodeURIComponent(query) var absUrl = THEME_DIR + '/../search.html' + hash; window.location = absUrl; }); $(document).on('click', '[data-hash][data-page]', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); setSearchHash($.hashParams().stq, $this.data('page')); }); $(document).on('click', '[data-hash][data-spelling-suggestion]', function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); setSearchHash($this.data('spelling-suggestion'), 1); }); var renderSearchResults = function (data) { if (typeof config.preRenderFunction === 'function') { config.preRenderFunction.call($this, data); } config.renderResultsFunction($this.getContext(), data); if (typeof config.postRenderFunction === 'function') { config.postRenderFunction.call($this, data); } }; $this.getContext = function () { return { config: config, resultContainer: $resultContainer, registerResult: $this.registerResult }; }; handleHashchange(); // if the swiftype query hash is present onload (maybe the user is pressing the back button), submit a query onload }); }; var renderPagination = function (ctx, resultInfo) { var maxPagesType, maxPages = -1, config = ctx.config; $.each(resultInfo, function(documentType, typeInfo) { if (typeInfo.num_pages > maxPages) { maxPagesType = documentType; maxPages = typeInfo.num_pages; } }); var currentPage = resultInfo[maxPagesType].current_page, totalPages = resultInfo[maxPagesType].num_pages; $(config.renderPaginationForType(maxPagesType, currentPage, totalPages)).appendTo(ctx.resultContainer); }; var normalize = function (str) { return $.trim(str).toLowerCase(); }; function htmlEscape(str) { return String(str).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(//g, '>'); } var defaultRenderResultsFunction = function (ctx, data) { var $resultContainer = ctx.resultContainer, config = ctx.config; $resultContainer.html(''); $.each(data.records, function (documentType, items) { $.each(items, function (idx, item) { ctx.registerResult($(config.renderFunction(documentType, item)).appendTo($resultContainer), item); }); }); renderPagination(ctx, data.info); }; var defaultRenderFunction = function (document_type, item) { return '

' + htmlEscape(item['title']) + '

'; }; var defaultLoadingFunction = function(query, $resultContainer) { $resultContainer.html('


'); }; var defaultOnComplete = function(elem) { window.location = elem.attr('href'); }; var defaultPostRenderFunction = function(data) { var totalResultCount = 0; var $resultContainer = this.getContext().resultContainer; var spellingSuggestion = null; if (data['info']) { $.each(data['info'], function(index, value) { totalResultCount += value['total_result_count']; if ( value['spelling_suggestion'] ) { spellingSuggestion = value['spelling_suggestion']['text']; } }); } if (totalResultCount === 0) { $resultContainer.html("
No results found.
"); } if (spellingSuggestion !== null) { $resultContainer.append('
Did you mean ' + spellingSuggestion + '?
'); } }; var defaultRenderPaginationForType = function (type, currentPage, totalPages) { var pages = '
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'; return pages; }; $.fn.swiftypeSearch.defaults = { attachTo: undefined, documentTypes: undefined, facets: undefined, filters: undefined, engineKey: undefined, searchFields: undefined, functionalBoosts: undefined, sortField: undefined, sortDirection: undefined, fetchFields: undefined, highlightFields: undefined, preRenderFunction: undefined, postRenderFunction: defaultPostRenderFunction, loadingFunction: defaultLoadingFunction, renderResultsFunction: defaultRenderResultsFunction, renderFunction: defaultRenderFunction, renderPaginationForType: defaultRenderPaginationForType, onComplete: defaultOnComplete, perPage: 10, spelling: 'strict' }; })(jQuery);