/* to simplify this for techwriters, if they tag an image source with {: lightbox } this js will create the appropriate/required div to perform lightbox functions */ /* REQUIRES: fancybox (fancybox.net) */ jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { //Which target to put the lightboxes in // Body var main = $('body'); //or after main // put all light box divs after main //var main = document.getElementsByTagName('main'); //console.log(main); // Find all images to process and run insertLightbox var arr_p_wrappers = $(main).find("p.lightbox"); //console.log(arr_p_wrappers); // Process and run insertLightbox $.each(arr_p_wrappers, function (i, rowValue) { /* console.log(i + ": " + rowValue); */ insertLightbox(rowValue, main); }); /* insertLightbox This function does two important things. 1. it wraps the img tag within a p tag (markdown inserted it) so that we have something to click 2. it inserts a div after main with the target lightbox image */ function insertLightbox(p_wrapper, target) { console.log('insertLightbox'); console.log(p_wrapper); var target_id = $(p_wrapper).attr('id'); console.log("p_id: " + target_id); var target_img = $(p_wrapper).find("img"); console.log("p_id img: " + target_img); var target_img_src=$(target_img).attr('src'); console.log("img_src: " + target_img_src); /* */ var lightbox_a_wrapper = ''; console.log("a_wrapper: "+lightbox_a_wrapper); $(p_wrapper).find("img").wrap(lightbox_a_wrapper); // We need to make sure the paragraph id that we used to track is removed /* $(p_wrapper).removeAttr('id'); */ } });